I enjoy the lotteries a great deal but the tracking system MyDDO uses is so utterly screwed up that I can't enjoy them properly. In the last week two of my characters were listed as Aggregation Lottery winners but I received no prize and when I took out a ticket the complaint person was completely unhelpful and just gave me a bland sorry for the inconveniece and the excuse that MyDDO is in beta. I think this is a great game and all in all much more receptive to player feedback than WoW but the people answering tickets for this game tend to be defensive and unhelpful and they really aren't one of the good things about the game. The bigger problem, however, is that the information given on the MyDDO website just doesn't accurately reflect players' characters and you really need to do something about this. Most of the characters I'm supposed to have have been deleted long ago but they're still showing up and the few characters I am still playing are way behind in terms of the stats etc. reported. Twice this has resulted in issues I felt important enough to take a ticket out on. The first time I got the bland, unhelpful response I mentioned earlier. The second time I was irritated (and I think justly so) to use some profanity and the response was typical: I was told than any future use of profanity would result in action being taken against my account--but almost nothing was said about the problem itself. That's the kind of high-handed response I expected from the good people at WoW and one of the reasons I left that game behind.