I was thinking about a melee fighter or barbarian with 11 lvls of wizard to unluck tensers transformation and reconstruct improved with quicken (first wizzy feat), and only use buffspells improved with extend (second wizzy feat).
That way I will be able to repair myself and be able to deal melee damage, and the character creator I used show 300 hp and 600 spellpoints at lvl 20 without items.
I have 32 point build and is willing to buy a +2 suprem tome at DDO store, so I only need the gear for it wich I should be getting nicly while advancing in lvl and I can allways hope to get into good parties, so I can do raid quests.
This is alos first time I really consider using a 11/9 splash instead of the usual 18/2 splash.
If everything fails I'll just go with a pure barbarian WF, but taking healers friend III is just not fun and I'm not going to hand out wands to the arcane casters at every quest, so how can I make a HP build 2HF warforged with thouse limitations?