Yeah...looks fun.
I have a Rgr6/Rog10 right now that was going for Tempest Assassin II originally. He is an Elf and could go AA.
One idea I keep thinking of is that Lesser/Greater Reincarnations give us a new option for leveling up chars. The option of being speced one way while we level, and than totally changing focus at higher lvls when gear/abilities would be available for a different focus.
For instance, I still think a Dex Rogue is best....until you get Radiance weps. After that the Str based Thug style is far superior.
So you could have a traditional Dex Rogue, until you make your GS. Then Reincarnate into a Str based thugish build.
For the Ranged AA builds you could lvl up as a melee guy...just like everyone else. Then totally change focus when you can unleash Slayer Arrows.
This could work for a whole lot of AA ideas. Rogue, FVS, Pal... all those that need almost every feat to make decent.
(ranged sheep in melee wolve's clothing.
