I have been playing this game for a while now, started sometime in 09, then took a break. When I came back I rolled up some new chars on Ghallanda.
I get bored with chars at about lvl 5 then make a new one, but I am running out of char slots and am hoping I can find a guild to help me keep interest in my char.
I have a Bard/Rogue(5) or a cleric(4) that I would like to get in a guild.
I do NOT want to rush, zerg, anything else having to do with me running after a group through a quest I have never done before. I am also not into RPing in video games.
I enjoy helping new players though quests and often find myself carrying around items that I cant use to give out to people who need them.
I am also available to play at most any time since I set my own hours, but I prefer normal hours.
I also need it to be active and have people on often, I joined a guild once before but there was never anyone on.
You may know commence fighting over who gets to have me in their guild.