The wording quite clearly points out that they're imbued with finger of death which is blocked by deathward. The arrows are the ranger's equivalent of that spell.
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Get more AC.
Rock smashes Scissors.
The correct answer is this.
Rangers have no such death spell, they have a massive damage spell like effect akin to disintegrate and lightning strike. I have yet to see anyone whine and complain about the MASSIVE number of shroud weapon users in pvp.
Last edited by Missing_Minds; 05-03-2010 at 04:12 PM.
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Monks you block and their touch of death goes right over your head. Good long recharge on that too. Casters are stopped by death ward and death block. Anything other genius hypothetical situations you want to throw at me? There's no effective countermeasure for slaying arrows which is what I'm suggesting in this thread.
It's not imbued with a Death Spell, as this would result in an instant kill, it is imbued with an effect that does 500 points of damage, which for wizard AAs also puts the FoD spell on a long timer, but it is still not a death spell.
The description references several common terms in DDO which newer players may or may not be familiar with, but it does not say, the arrow is a vorpal effect nor does it say the arrow invokes the Finger of Death spell on a successful strike, so your arguments.....again, are moot.
Community Member
10000 damage? Oh really? Let's see, using your number for the total number of arrows fired...
So, 80 arrows each Manyshot? Ok. Since Slaying Arrows only proc on a 20, you'll get 4 20s out of that. Four. 4 x 500 = 2000, not 10000.
Good math skills you have there.![]()
That would kill the Demon Queen, and might kill abbot depending on the damage you got from the arrows themselves, but would barely be a scratch to Harry or Sully.
You're also talking about a 1 in 1.208*10^104 chance to get 80 vorpal strikes in 80 shots, so we're dealing with hyperbole anyway.
Scholar Of Adventure & Hero
Not seen many casters that can deal out 10,000 damage before something can touch them. Casters move slow, they have cool downs, and I see a lot of people brag about their highest hitting spell in their bio which is nowhere near to the damage output of this ability so this is not the case. Casters are where they should be, squishy little arcane artillery. Gotta love em. =)
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If you could kite for the entire duration of manyshot, you still are unlikely to do 10,000 damage in that time. If you could, then you could likely to continue to kite until whatever you were fighting was dead, regardless of how many or few shots it took to do so. That thinking is why ranged combat in DDO is in such a sad state as it is, during development there was a fear than ranged characters would be effectively immune to damage from an melee mobs, and many poor decisions were made to limit the effectiveness of ranged combat.