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  1. #1
    Community Member DarkAxis's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Paladins - Glorious Stand???

    I don't post much on the forums, but today I find myself forced too. Noticed something today while lesser reincarnating my paladin and choosing enhancements. When I initially built my paladin intimitank a fair while ago, I remember that part of Glorious Stand was that if anything overcame your damage reduction you would be hit with a cure light wounds. I remember that it was broken and on the known issues list. However when looking at it today I found that it is not a part of the Glorious Stand description. My curiousity perked I went looking for it. I found it is also gone from the known issues list and the compendium.

    I wish I had taken screenshots of it in the past, or screenshots of the known issues list, however I never thought I would have to. I hope enough players remember and speak out so that we can get some kind of answer. (Oh, and so I won't just be called a liar/DDO hater, because I know it existed!).

    Now I am forced to ask, Devs are we just meant to forget it ever existed? Is there any plans to bring it back?

    Or is this simply how you are going to deal with everything that is too hard to implement, just delete any mention of it anywhere, never mention anything about it, and hope the player base does not notice.

    And as cool as Glorious Stand is, it is 30 secs every 5 mins. Which means if you have 10 turn undeads (a very moderate amount) it would take you 50 mins to get through them all. This is not including finishing the quest or using a rest shrine that resets them. How often do you go 50 mins without a shrine or finishing the quest. Now if it was working as originally intended (cure light wounds everytime you get damaged) I would understand the very long cool down and short duration. However it is not.

    Devs, are either the duration or cooldown being looked at? Because as it stands its usefulness is very limited. And by very limited I mean as limited as the life span of a bloodstone on the AH for 1000 plat buyout.
    Last edited by DarkAxis; 05-03-2010 at 08:04 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    I remember that, the wiki still has the full/old description:
    + Benefits: You may expend a turn attempt to make a glorious stand against your enemies. For a short duration of time, you gain DR 20/epic, take reduced damage from elemental and negative energy, receive double healing from positive energy, and are immune to secondary effects of attacks such as 'wounding' or 'vorpal'. Each time you take damage, you gain the effects of a Cure Light Wounds spell.
    Wiki link

  3. #3
    The Hatchery DethTrip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ayseifn View Post
    I remember that, the wiki still has the full/old description:

    Wiki link
    Man, if they bring that back I'm def making a paladin...
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  4. #4
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAxis View Post

    Now I am forced to ask, Devs are we just meant to forget it ever existed? Is there any plans to bring it back?

    Or is this simply how you are going to deal with everything that is too hard to implement, just delete any mention of it anywhere, never mention anything about it, and hope the player base does not notice.
    That does seem to be how they are dealing with things, yes. They did the same thing with Stunning Fist DC bonuses on weighted handwraps. They couldn't make it work, now there's no mention of the possibility on the items at all. I think its gone from the known issues too. No announcement that they were ceasing development on the issue, nothing.


    Its a crappy way of dealing with the problem, but it seems like that's the way they are dealing with it, yes.
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  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAxis View Post
    Or is this simply how you are going to deal with everything that is too hard to implement, just delete any mention of it anywhere, never mention anything about it, and hope the player base does not notice.
    Indeed this is exactly what they do - not surprisingly it pretty much started when Kate took over...

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