I gave average damage formula and made some comparisons (eg., Khopesh vs Bastard Sword).
Attack formula (without additional bonuses):
Attack = d20 + BAB + Strength_mod + Size_mod
(this is a random variable because d20 is random)
Let's denote
R = Enemy_AC - (BAB + Strength_mod + Size_mod)
(this is not random variable for a given monster, I call it "needed Roll")
For actual damage you do several rolls (attack roll, damage roll, attack roll to confirm critical, etc.), i.e. your damage is a random variable, but it is possible to calculate the exact average value of that random variable.
Since that value depends on R (you meet different monsters) you can draw a graph - that is what I did.
Bastard Sword wins here for absolutely all R (in
Plain case (i.e. with no bonuses, even Strength=10 here)):
Khopesh (red) and Bastard Sword (blue)
(high BAB means low R, high enemy AC means high R)
If your weapon has
+5 Enhancement bonus, you have
Power Critical,
Weapon Focus and
Weapon Specialization feats then
Khopesh (red) and Bastard Sword (blue)
(no big difference, Khopesh is slightly better)
If your weapon has
+5 Enhancement bonus and
Seeker +10, you have
Power Critical,
Weapon Focus and
Weapon Specialization feats then
Khopesh (red) and Bastard Sword (blue)
(now Khopesh is really better)
Obviously I should have taken Strength 20 instead of 10, but it was the first calculations, so I left it as it is.
If you want me to make some specific calculations then tell me:
- your weapon
- your weapon's enhancements
- your Strength
- your feats
- your enhancements
And I will draw the graph of average damage in various situations, i.e. for various R (I can compare several weapons on the same graph).
These calculations does not include (I don't have the formula for that yet):
But I can include many effects (i.e. the formula is ready for that) like:
- elemental, alignment, bane, sneak attack damage,
- even elemental burst damage, alignment burst damage,
- all feats or enhancements