ok so i just saw a thread about this on another server, unfortunatly they have not had such a good run, and i thought after my last rant about pugs id put in a positive one...a few days ago i made a bard as i have a friend who is just starting ddo and im helping them learn i put up group and got it filled pretty quick all with competent, helpful players though i knw the quests my friend didnt and all where working together and getting us through (as a team no one was being left behind) i made a few friends from the pugs ive been running on my lil halfling and all have been great... even with brand new ppl who have never played ddo before... all of the ones i've had have been willing to listen and have loved the advice i have been able to give, i'm no vet but i know i would have been thankful for someone to teach me the things i know now when i first started...all in all the groups have been a major success i find that in the lower levels ppl are alot kinder and easier on the new ppl and the ppl who have been playing a while are all willing to help and wait for the new ones.. it's quite strange actually lol bit of a difference to when i play on my cleric :S unfortuanlty my friend chose a cleric which is good but a lot of pressure she is only just beginning to see..lol but she understands her role and is learning to heal ppl with guidance new players can become great players we should be helping them achieve this so we have competent players later
just my thoughts anyhow