100 Reconstruct - 14K Plat
100 Greater Hero Scrolls - 14K Plat
100 Raise Dead Scrolls - 50K Plat
100 Heal Scrolls - 14K Plat
100 resurrect Scrolls - 100K Plat
100 Heroism Potions - 6K Plat
100 Neutralize Poison - 6K Plat
100 Rage Potions - 6K Plat
100 Protection Potions - 6K Plat
100 Haste Potions - 6K Plat
100 Curse Removal Potions - 6K Plat
100 Cure Serious Potions - 6K Plat
100 Oil of Serious Repair - 6K Plat
100 Resist 20 Pots - 6K Plat
Post Orders & Means of Payment - I am usually on in the evenings 9PM - 12PM EST - I can mail if you mail the Plat first -Contact Aerilyn, Bergeyon, Aerinn, or Turon for your Orders or Just PM me here in the forums.