This has probably been done before, maybe even many times, but I feel it's an accomplishment for us nevertheless, and I wanted to share it. It was a 4 man shroud with:
1 cleric 18
1 wizard 18/2 rog
1 sorc 20
1 barb 20 (little 'ol me)
What it doesn't say in the picture:
Total time 113 minutes, we had pauses after part3 and 4, around 15-20mins in total. In part 2 we had the gnoll, orc, earth and devil. I was the only one meleeing (except some help on the portals from the wiz and the cleric). Part 4 was 4 rounds. We aren't raid rich, neither of us have a +3 tome on any stat, the casters used ~20 major pots that were looted in the game and not store bought. Neither one of us is a warforged. We had no healing amp gear on any of us. We had 2 deaths only, and those were the 2 arcane casters on part5. This was our 2nd try, on our first we wiped on part4 with harry down to 10%.
This was some beautiful teamwork and the reason I love this game.