Here is a pic of the area also (least the one hordo speaks of)
Cord is in Iraq somewheres.
Dad is near/about Kabul til jan '11. grrr.
afghan side
pakistani side
I am glad to have stayed out of the Sandbox... SE Asia was good enough for me.
Anyway, rant from me...
Had this newb Paladin in a Coal Chamber run on Saturday that just could not stop falling...his Mario-Fu just totally sucked...I don't know why the party waited for him...they should have just left him wallowing in his newbsauce...
I took a spankin' for him that time... judged, cursed, chained, toss’d about and pushed into the penalty box.
There was haste? I know he mentioned a quickie a couple times but… oh, well thought he meant something else.
How could you expect someone who lived 10 minutes away from Fpoon in the states to win a spelling bee… he’s so used to having a cord… besides.
♣ A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes. ♣
Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour
haha em good one! Speaking of fpoon i called him through skype the other day while he was in crucible with good ole Nexx!
Its ok intell thats the purpose of this thread![]()
As for as where i am located well mostly in baghdad but with the mission we are tasked with that isnt always the case i have convoyed and flown around most of iraq.
I must say this place smells horrible even though they have the cleanest porta Johns i have ever seen!
ha trust me OUST cant save this Place! On the bright side though i have found that on a sunny day if u climb up top of your little trailer room little thing and lay down u can get a great tan in a matter of mins. Hrmm prolly not a good idea whenthe 130+ degree wheather gets here though.
Hello fellow Khyber players. I have been playing DDO for a couple of months and I must say that it is the best mmo out there and I've played about 90% of them. The only real problem that I have is the AH prices and well the lack of a guild banking system but thats another thread entirely. I was scrolling the the AH just for the heck of it even though I never buy anything unless I see a good deal which is rare on Khyber when I noticed the pricing on The Ring Of Feathers price range of 75kpp to 175kpp. Ok here is my gripe with that most of the people who have that lying around probably have access to the vet status and can just go a lvl without permenant feather fall and get boots at a good bit less. So whats up with the pricing on The Ring Of Feathers.
Crulax 20th Cleric 2130 sp
Lakanthia 11th Fighter TWF Rapiers
I'm sorry I'm generally a pretty patient person but 10yr old children shouldn't be allowed to play this game let alone use voice chat in pugs. It's noise pollution people and we shouldn't allow it. If I join your party and I hear high pitched whinning I will simply leave no explanation I will just leave. Join me in my war against this noise pollution people.
Crulax 20th Cleric
Lakanthia 11th Fighter
Who invited the dude with real problems into our thread full of sarcasm?
Lets keep this focused on Slink people.
I'm not sure why this happens, but it kind of bugs me that I will get in this great pug that zips through 3 or 4 quests fine, then everyone has to go, sleep, eat, ****, whatever so I put up my own lfg ad for said quests. Then during these said quests I end up basically giving a tutorial on how to run it (which I do not mind doing) because nobody knows the quests, which again is fine by me since there is a first time for everything.
But the point is...
There is always the "One" person who doesn't listen during the whole quest, and conveniently stays out of the way of combat even though they are a melee character. Needless to say I thought the person who was not listening was either A: A Farmer or B: A Piker who conveniently decides to listen when they think they are getting loot when I say, "Go ahead, pick up the docent if you really want it" while in PoP. :P
The worse this game gets, the more I am inching towards making my own DDO! [ With Unreal Engine, Blackjack and Hookers too! Hookers as in Fish]