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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default ranger/fighter twf khopesh assistance


    I have a 12 ranger/6 fighter elven true neutral (yes i know... it was my first char) tempest/kensei 28pt build. i use khopeshes and was just looking for some ideas for the last 2 levels. i had assumed i would just do 2 more lvls of fighter.

    I am willing to reincarnate (+1 or +3) if i see compelling reason to do so. i plan to reincarnate to the 32pt build if nothing else at some point.

    just looking for some feedback on what folks think of the build as it stands, not going to get into all the details of feats and skills and such -- but basically have all appropriate feats/skills associated with 2wf and khopesh mastery and such. he's got base stats 19/15/14/8/12/8 which are currently at 27/26/20/8/13/13

    any feedback would be great.


  2. #2
    Community Member Artos_Fabril's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    2 more ranger levels gets you self cast FoM
    2 more fighter levels gets you the next tier of weapon specialization enhancement and a feat (and greater weapon focus becomes available), and gives you the option to LR+3 to 11ftr/9rng just before you TR into a 34 point build, with the fighter past life instead of the ranger one.
    2 Barb levels gets you mini-rages, move speed, DR 1/-, and one use of uncanny dodge/rest
    2 rogue levels (LR+1 to take one of them at 1st) gets you trap skills and/or UMD, but you already have evasion.
    2 FvS gets you monk saves without the alignment restriction, the few divine wands you didn't already get from ranger, and some SP.
    2 wiz gets you a metamagic feat, and some SP, but since you can't take AA with tempest it's not really a good choice. Only real benefit would be no UMD check on stoneskin (and other arcane) wands.
    2 sorc is the same as wiz with more SP but no metamagic feat
    2 cleric would get you the rest of the divine wands and, i dunno, 4 DVs/rest?
    2 bard gives minor songs and a few more SP.

    I wouldn't recommend wiz, sorc, bard, or cleric, nor FvS unless you really want to up your saves.
    2 rogue (with an LR+1) or 2 Barb both give you some nice options, big difference is that rogue pretty much requires you to LR to get the mileage out of it, while Barb doesn't

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    thank you i will consider these options

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default update and new input requested

    hello everyone again...

    so. my character is now 12 ranger 8 fighter. my lovely wife bought me the $100 turbine point package and i now have a whole lot of Turbine points to spend. i would like to take my character up to the 32 pt build and since i have the points i figured i could do a +3 reincarnation...

    so... suggestions on what to adjust with my 3 levels. i still want to stick with the basic idea of twf khopeshes.

    i am also considering dropping down my fighter levels through a couple +3 reincarnations, not sure if the Kensei is necessary or if i should just go for tempest 3.

    Last edited by GremelKhan; 05-13-2010 at 06:42 PM.

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