You are 100% correct- but for the player whose fighter isnt their main or first priority in terms of gear.
Those situations where you need to use a blunt weapon, yea barbs will out dps the fighter- but again, thats a minority of sitations. Sally, harry, reaver, dragon, dq the whole nine yards are still the bulk of which fighters do just fine in.
Yup and in fact dont sell urself short they do great in. So if we assume they do equallish DPS vs those foes (without splitting hairs), and that fighters take a bigger hit when fighting with non specialised weapon than a barb does then by default the Barb wins overall DPS.
In terms of defense, If you really work at it- my fighter is infinitely times more survivable than a barb because, first I have just as many hp if not more than 90% of barbs (select few that top me exist) and I have the UMD for heal scrolls.
I think survivability in a DPS analysis more implies healing from an external source. U aint gonna be popping heal scrolls when beating on raid bosses. So really for a DPS, 0AC build it comes down to HP (similar) DR (Barb wins) and saves (Fort Barb wins, Reflex barb tops a ftr while his uncanny dodge is up, ftr wins after and Will barb wins.)
In general play I think a huge umd is something of a waste on a ftr/barb for the following reasons.
1. For heal scrolls to be activated on an intermittant basis you wont be madstoning thereby reducing ur attack speed by 5%, ur Str by 4 and a loss of hp for any time u potentially want to use them.
2. It takes time to switch to a heal scroll, go through the animation, pass concentration checks, pass armour checks(see its frogsuit and dragonhide) if under fire. I dont knw what ur build is exactly but I see u have Intim on a hotbar and obviously UMD so there is ur Human 8 base int there. If u have eaten a +2/4 tome and LR then you COULD fit in concentration, but im guessing u havnt, and without concentration items and full progression in it my gut tells me u will be failing those checks often. So really the only times ur gonna be using Heal scrolls is when there arnt mobs around/not dire situations. I.e its not a life or death situation. And if its not a life or death situation then any source of healing is healing. Honestly for the Ftr/Barb IMO silver flame pots are the be all and end all of significant healing.
Fighters are much more gear dependant than barbs to make them effective in end game content.
Also, barbs run into a dead end with their dps being GAME maxed.
Actually this is the part that had me stumped for a while cos I really didnt see what u were saying. You are talking about race not class. And as such its sort of irelevant.
Ill explain: Currently, dwarves get skunked when wielding a weapon that is not an axe, because axe damage doesnt apply to the Epic SoS. Warforged get the edge here. But seeker 10 only exists on the armor- which warforged cant wear. So, racial perks and the marilith chain coupled with the Epic SoS get torn. Thats just an example of end game dps gear split.
As a fighter I can take advantage of everything currently implemented that adds damage, even the +1 damage from LOTD ill be able to incorporate.
No. As a HUMAN u can take advantage of all those. It has nothing to do with whether you are a ftr/barb. It has to do with race not class. I understand gear splits precluded by race BUT ur making a comparison on class which is flawed. A human ftr is to a human barb, A wf fighter is to a wf barb a dwarf ftr is to a dwarf barb - gear wise. The gear setups will be **** near carbon copies comparing similar raced fighters to barbs(Tod sets aside).
Also, I see tons of barbs come into epic wiz king and miss with their mauls, while I am hitting him on a 2 with a maul that im not specced for, thereby out dpsing the barb anyway.
Ur toon is very well equipped and without wf PA enhancements ur likely absolutly right. But against similarly equipped barbs... you got to compare apples to apples
It goes either way.