So I'm 8 tokens away from reincarnating my ranger into a Tempest rogue (Human True Neutral 13 Rogue / 6 Ranger / 1 Fighter.) Running him through epics has gotten me thinking of how exactly I'd want to gear him up once he's back at 20 and here is what I'm currently set on:
- Head: Greensteel (+45HP, +6 Dex skills, Blurry, Displacement clicky x2)
- Goggles: Tharne's (True Seeing, +15 Search/Spot, +5 SA)
- Trinket: Bloodstone (hopefully epic one day) / Litany of the Dead
- Neck: Shintao (+6 Con, +15 Concentration)
- Cloak:* Epic Cloak of the Silver Concord (+7 Cha, +15 Haggle/Diplo, Yellow slot)
- Armor: Dragontouched (+5 Resistance, +20% Healing, Radiance Guard)
- Belt: Epic Belt of the Mroranon (+7 Str, Heavy Fort, Toughness, Yellow slot)
- Bracers: Greensteel (Wiz VI, +150 SP, +6 Cha skills, Air Guard, Haste clicky x3)
- Ring1: Kyosho's - Shintao (+6 Wis, +3 exc Str, +2 hit/dmg)
- Ring2:** Thamor's - Earth Savant (+6 Cha, +3 exc Con)
- Gloves: Epic Spectral Gloves (+7 Dex, Attack +4, Yellow slot)
- Boots: Epic Dustless boots (+30% Striding, +15 Hide/MS, Yellow slot)
*: Cloak will see a good bit of switching. I have a +3 int skills Shroud item for epic traps. I also like having a set of Greater Elemental Resistance cloaks for appropriate times.
**: I had decided on Thamor's Ring before I thought I wanted the epic Cloak of the Silver Concord, thus allowing this one item to be my charisma item as well as my exceptional constitution item. I am still pondering this slot. I definitely want a ring with exceptional constitution, and the +6 stats that come on the other rings with exceptional constitution will be fulfilled by items that will be pretty much be glued in place. Since my cloak may see a decent bit of switching, I may stick with Thamor's here. The other benefit is that this ring is rarely sought, so I should have good odds of obtaining it fairly easily I think.
This slot will see some switching with the mechanic ring and potentially one of the archer rings. I've already got the mechanic ring and it functions as my +15 open lock item (as well as +3 exceptional intelligence.) I'd like a +3 exceptional dexterity item too. I'll just see what drops first that nobody else wants.
I am also torn between going with the Epic Moron belt + un-setted ring or the Frenzied Berzerker set. An extra +2 damage is extremely appealing, but the Moron belt just fulfills too many bonuses on a single slot to pass up.
As for epic slots - I'll have four yellows. I'm thinking some combination of Greater False Life, Disease Immunity, Poison Immunity, Blindness Immunity, and Fear Immunity (currently in that order of priority) would be nice. I keep scrolled GH on myself at almost all times, which is why fear is prioritized last. But blindness is quite rare and easily curable with a pot, of which I have plenty. I'll see.
Anyways, I figured I'd throw this up to maybe give some people some ideas. I'd love some feedback and suggestions to get some new ideas of my own if anyone has them to share.
Edit: Clarity.