WF Wizard *IS* great. Don't think anyone's arguing that.
But not everyone prefers that.
Some like the challenge of a class that can't self-heal; some love the various robes graphics and want to be a race that can wear them (and there are some awesome robe graphics); some want the improved DCs of a higher INT; etc, etc.
One race that somehow got excluded from the fleshie list, however, is Halfling.
With the extra feats from Wizard, a halfling can pick up a few dragonmarks. Good for self-healing as well as healing others, and benefits from metamagic.
Just something to chew on![]()
I'm approaching the wizard build with the intention of having highest saving throw DCs for all spells. So in that respect, drow and human seem to be the best. This thread has nothing to do with warforged. Already considered it, and it's not on the table, at least as far as this thread is concerned. Think of this as a thread on maximizing spell save DCs, and you will quickly see that warforged has no place in the discussion.
Not saying warforged wizards aren't great. Just saying that my preference is highest possible Int. Now if you can come up with a way for warforged to compete in the Int department, I'd love to hear it.
My Question is if you want a sturdy build why not dwarf?
for a 32 build I got...
str 8
dex 9
con 19
int 18
wis 10
chr 6
It's all about the hp...
I never said a sturdy build was the primary focus. If so, warforged would be the clear winner. There is no need for a thread for that. The primary goal for me is most potent spells. In that regard, it's pretty much a contest between human and drow. The point of this thread is to consider the advantages and disadvantages of these two races against each other, not to talk about warforged, halflings or dwarves.
Okay sure, but let me make one point. WF is a self healing arcane cleric. If you did want more hit points but wanted to be kinder to your divine caster so you dont feel guilty about using your sp on big casts you should go Dwarf as a Wizard IMO.
If you just wanted to make a point that Drow has higher intel, we know that. But a human can give you more spell focus feats for call it in the air.
Now why aren't there more Dwarf Wizards is what I want to know. timer tracker, completions tracker, search engine, puzzle solver, xp table
My toons on Argo: Salade TR2 Wiz20, Speedo ESoS Fighter, MangoSalade TR2 Wiz18/Mnk2, EvaHealer Clr18/Mnk2
It's your character...create what makes you note however that not even Silver Flame healing potions or UMD'ing heal scrolls are going to come even remotely close to being able to cast a quickened recon or using a recon scroll if ur a wf'ed.
I personally feel the two optimal choices for wizard are drow....for highest possible DC's or WF'ed for self healing.
WF Sorc....or WF wiz....not all the immunities they have can be replaced by spells
Dont gimp yourself and go drow/elf are taking a huge hit to HP and CON....Human if you must.....WF if you want to be self sufficient and just all around better.
There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots KHYBER
Can never understand how people think the wf look like ****?
The Human models and Both the elves look terrible, but then again just had this thought.....I'm guessin your the type that plays female chars(talking to the guys here).
Don't neglect the fact that humans (well, human males) can grow a beard. A beard will add tons of style to your wizard, making noobs go "oooh look at that guy's beard! He must be a really great wizard!"
If you break it down like that, I'd say it's pretty simple:
Drow = 20 staring INT = +5 to all DC's
Human = 18 starting INT = +4 to all DC's (with the option of getting +1 to one school of spells by using your bonus feat)
Am I missing some obvious point here?
Last edited by calavel; 05-09-2010 at 01:13 PM.
By endgame, the difference in Int between human and drow is only 1 because of Human Adaptability: Intelligence. What I am trying to figure out with this thread is whether that difference of 1 point pans out to a difference in Int modifier by endgame. If it does, I prefer drow for maximum save DCs (and to a lesser extent 29 bonus SP). If it doesn't, then I am comparing the two races side by side to see which is more advantageous. Thus far, the highest possible Int with drow seems to be 44, which means I will probably stick with drow. If someone can come up with an endgame Int for drow of 45, that means endgame Int for human is 44, and therefore I would probably prefer human for the extra Con and bonus feat.
Well...seeing as that new content will continued to be released......what might be the max INT today...won't necessarily be the max INT tomorrow.
While human is very appealing.....the fact of the matter is drow leaves the future open for if/when they introduce new items into the game that could raise INT even higher...whereas human will always be one point behind.
This is very extreme tho, as I would think that humans, drows, and wf'ed for that matter would all be capable of having a total INT mod to be effective as long as they keep thier INT maxxed out.
In the end your talking about one point of DC, and while it may make a small difference I doubt it will make so much a difference that you should play a race you don't want to just to get it.
I agree lol.
Being a guy it pains me to see pretty much all male models(except for maybe Halfling) are so hideous. Often time I use helmets to hide my male char face(Bunny hat is great for this). That's why I don't mind WF model one bit, and when I don't make male WF or Halfling char, I make female char of other races(except for Dwarf!).
Well, for me, the allure of a powerful wizard is to be the Mightiest Wizard in the World (TM), and that means spells that are harder resist than any other wizard's. It's mostly a play-style preference. So the race that I want to play will naturally be the one with highest possible (effective) Int.
You have a point about additional content. Who knows what might happen if they raise the cap to just 22? They might allow epic items with god-knows-what kind of bonuses.
3enhc wiz
44max int
Warforged are ugly because of the size of there bodies, not general appearance. There upper Torso looks ginormous compared to rest of there bodies. Warforged are suppose to be about same size as a human, have NEVER been depicted in any of eberron books as bing huge hulky brutes look like there modeled off of an orc because weren't! Warforged are suppose to have a human build/body, and is why i can't stand a warforged, add into it that CAN'T wear any robes, or normal gear and are limited to special gear that for me i rarely if ever see drop and create a bit of an issue for people like me who actually like look of there character.
Do i play female toons? of course and nothing wrong with it, i'd rather stare at a nice ass all day even a digital one then some warforged butt or lack there of... also human/elf males look fine, defiantly not anime elf ala WoW, but then again don't look like lanky monkey men either!
in end its all preferance, elves aren't significantly weaker then WF nor is reverse true its all a playstyle choice. Personally i prefer, drow/humans to WF in fact after the initial " cool a robot" phase wore off i haven't touched a WF since and probably never will.
" You see, much like a river a long flowing path, that travels along a specfic route so does time, its an unending never ceasing flow and we mortals are pulled down it. Destiny is the way we are drug along, and where we end up, however there are a few rare individuals, those who can defy destiny! these people deny times change, deny its will and change there course, these people are called Heros, or in more frightening cases... Villians"