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  1. #1
    Community Member Ormindo's Avatar
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    Default Paladin lvl 15 needs advice !

    Hi !
    So, here is my (fail) build :

    str 18 dex 10 con 13 int 8 wis 14 cha 14

    I started as a Truthbringer, but couldn't tank, so I'm fighting now =(

    My boosted stats (tomes/stuff) are

    Wich stats (I think I'll get the choice next lvl) should I rise ? And is there some named loot I should get ?

  2. #2
    Community Member Ormindo's Avatar
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    I am also a KotC THF Paladin. I am currently using a pretty good axe. But some pep's says that great swords are better, is it true ?

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Well, what is your base cha? (i mean without enhancements or items) if you have an odd cha, you may want to spend your lvl up point into cha so you qualify for next Dicine Might, otherwise, just put your remaining points into str, you started with wis too high and cha too low, i would recomend you if you want to lesser reincarnate to adjust your stat point distribution.

    About the weapons, well, falchion and great axe are the best thf weapons, but great sword and maul are the only ones that you have ingredients to cast the Holy Sword spell, so you should use a holy sword great sword or maul most of the time, unless you have a pretty nice great axe or falchion.

    You should get +6 items for str con and cha if you dont have them (it seems that for str and cha at least you are not using +6 items)

  4. #4
    Community Member Shaftronics's Avatar
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    If anything, can we see your base stats without items? I believe that we would really require to see that so that we can really take a look at your build and recommend some items for you.

    As the above poster has said, Greataxe and Falchions are the best, though with the Holy Sword spell, that choice is made for you. Besides, you should be using it, right?
    For whom the sword is drawn?

    Twinedge Witherblades 8 Fighter/6 Ranger/2 Rogue [Tempest Fighter]
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  5. #5
    Community Member lord_of_rage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaftronics View Post
    If anything, can we see your base stats without items? I believe that we would really require to see that so that we can really take a look at your build and recommend some items for you.

    As the above poster has said, Greataxe and Falchions are the best, though with the Holy Sword spell, that choice is made for you. Besides, you should be using it, right?
    His base stats are listed.

    As to the build if you want to shell out the cash to get a lesser res race depending id drop str to 16 dex 10 con 13- 8int 10 wis and 16 cha for dm4 all first 4 lvl ups to str and your last into cha to hit a 20 base with a +3 tome. Its a standard KOTC THF build.

    Id Honestly craft a LIT2 falchion as a THF user and use a holy sword great axes for h/e raids. Then from there after he crafts an hp item come back and craft a min2, or just find groups to run epic for the esos. But on a side note most pugged shrouds, hounds, vods, are norm runs and a lit2 is fine for norm.
    Last edited by lord_of_rage; 05-03-2010 at 11:34 PM.
    Toons are in a constant state of flux. Khyber server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    Maybe your forum name should be lord_of_halfling_rage then...

  6. #6
    Community Member Ormindo's Avatar
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    Uhm, thanks.

    So you're saying, I should lesser reincarnate with str16 dex 10 con 13 8int 10 wis and 16 cha ?

  7. #7
    Community Member lord_of_rage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ormindo View Post
    Uhm, thanks.

    So you're saying, I should lesser reincarnate with str16 dex 10 con 13 8int 10 wis and 16 cha ?
    What is your race? If we know that we can get the stats just right?
    Toons are in a constant state of flux. Khyber server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    Maybe your forum name should be lord_of_halfling_rage then...

  8. #8
    Community Member Tom_Hunters's Avatar
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    let me share some personal experience, i am also a 2hf pally, in addition i am elven, 28 pt build

    well knowing nth about ddo or dnd before, i followed some pally path and default build, which gave me the base stat:
    str 16 dex 10 con 12 int 8 wis 12 cha 14

    with item/tome @ lvl 18:
    str 27 dex 14 con 18 int 8 wis 14 cha 25

    so at the first glance ppl will notice i have a hard time with the hp as a melee. That's a real pain through out the mid levels and so i have now taken 2 toughness feat and some toughness enhancements. Seems that's rectified a bit of my blow-taking problem.

    But of coz if i can choose again i will definitely put more into CON, and less into WIS. If u ask any of the more experience player, they will tell you wis 8 is sufficient as a base, coz with +6 item u can cast any pally spell handy.

    And CHA, i think ppl should aim a 20 CHA (at least 18) at lvl 20, i mean base + tome (not counting items). Coz this opens Divine Might 4 ( or 3), which gives u + 8 (or 6) damage per hit before multiplier, for 1 min per use. U will get more than 10 uses so it's like you can constantly turn it on in most cases. More CHA also grants you stronger LoH (more than 200 per use, with at most 4 use) and greater save of each kind with the FoP feat.

    So as others have mentioned, referring to your build I might wish more CHA and less WIS.
    In addition, you might also want a final DEX of 12, because this gives you 1 more AC if you wear addy or steel full. And even more if you have mithril.

    Definitely CON and STR are sth you won't have too many. But the optimal number just depends on your build. As a 2hf, I usually turn PA on, so i need STR to compensate the lowered attack in many cases (+3 from divine favor with +1 from bless you can fill it up though, but u may want even higher attack in many situations). Of coz, if you have some heroism or even GH item and get buffed well by ur team mates, then attack probably won't matter much.

    And more, if you like fighting Overruning bosses(as in Mired in Kobolts or DQ), you need a high STR to keep urself standing up. To be honest my STR is not good enough for fighting the Princess in IQ, even in normal.

    And CON, like me, in some sense you can find ways to boost it, e.g. with feat, enhancement, and items. Though they don't give you more fort save.

    So actually the question depends on your items and your role. Do you wish to be more self-sufficient, or do you want to hit like a barb?

    As for weapons, I have improved crit: slash, so practically i crit 1 out of 3 hits with falchions (15-20) on 0 fort, and using exalted smite evil, we get another bonus +1 to the threat range. So it's a good critter.

    I seldom use Greataxe, but it's more like personal taste imo. Though I have to remind ppl that if even if you have a stronger multiplier, you have no means to ensure they land on the mob you want, rather than some lowbie frds of his, which you can kill without a crazy crit. But again it's more of a preference I think.

    In fact personally I love Greatswords, just becoz they look GREAT. (I often imagine myself as some woodchopper with a greataxe...) And I read that the Greensteel version of GreatSwords hit 1d6 more then GS Falchions on normal hit. So unless you plan to craft sth that gives great extra bonus on crit, a GS greatsword is actually better than a GS falchion in my calculations. Of coz, this didn't include the pally-only abilities like smite evil, so probably a GS falchion is better for pally, but less so for other 2hf melee.

    Please tell me if I got anything incorrect. Coz i am also a newbie in some sense.

    Last comments on your items, I think some lvl 13-15 quests has quite a good chance of getting +6 items. I have obtained more than 1 +6 STR, 1 +6 CHA (a monk teammate loot it, but when i ask politely he gave it to me ) and some +6 DEX items. The +6 CON is a gift from a frd i made 1 day. (Yes, ppl are very generous in fact.)

    So you may try you current build with better gear first, then you may craft some GS items and if you still ain't satisfied you may, well, resurrect.
    Last edited by Tom_Hunters; 05-05-2010 at 03:41 AM.

  9. #9
    Community Member Ormindo's Avatar
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    I'm human. And my main question is more "'what stat should I train next lvl, as I can train one in one lvl". I doubt between cha and str.

    However, shanks for all your tips !
    Last edited by Ormindo; 05-08-2010 at 10:54 AM.

  10. #10
    Community Member lord_of_rage's Avatar
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    The only tweaks I would personally make is id drop cha to 16 and put con to 15 and Id drop greater adapt str and put it into con.

    But its a really solid build and should help you out.
    Toons are in a constant state of flux. Khyber server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    Maybe your forum name should be lord_of_halfling_rage then...

  11. #11
    Community Member Ormindo's Avatar
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    Hm. So that means I must wait to reach lvl 20 for a reincarnation. Isn't there a way to have a decent build before reaching lvl 20 ? That's what I'm asking - next level, what should I raise. THEN, see if I can lesser reincarnate.

    My goal is to have fun on the way to 20. Not to suffer like hell.

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