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  1. #121
    Community Member MartinusWyllt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunisinuS View Post
    "While he is technically playing, he is not a Player in respect to PvP. " Ergo Ipso Facto. God is in the details. Thanks for making my point. He is PLAYING. He is just as much a player as the Banker in Monopoly.
    The DM is just as much a player as the referee/umpire/judge for whatever game. The DM interprets the rules, draws the playing field, tells the story in and upon which the Monopoly would probably run smoother if the Banker took his little dog off the board. No temptation, no embezzling.

  2. #122
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunisinuS View Post
    The "Arcane Archer" in PVP is what scared somebody. So people comfortable with pvp start talking counters that exist in game and almost universally (PVP Vets I'm talking about here) do not want anything in PVE manipulated or changed unless it is just flat out bad code (Borked Wand targetting in pvp for example). So no one wants your PVE experience changed or ruined for you. Guild Wars is a game DESIGNED around and for PVP, but you can play exclusively PVE and never PVP if you like, and neither need the twain meet. Seemless. So I want you to realize that it is only perspective and approach that prevent both parties from having what they want.

    Another Turbine Game: Asheron's call. Darktide: PVP only server, full loot, full experience loss. The stuff of nightmares for pve players. Darktide was actually what kept AC going after all the pve players had moved on to the next FOTM, and Turbine did not invest much in it at all. Everyone that is experienced in pvp wants the same thing you Pve'ers want: For you not to play PVP if you are a hater.

    In AC, pvp was diametrically opposite of what the pve people are mythically afraid of; in fact you made closer and better friendships and ties in pvp, cooperation was more intense, and people had a terrific time. For Example: If you were out farming a MOB on the beach and you saw a red dot on your radar, you of course went...uh oh. You were fully engaged with a MOB and that person could steal your kill, or kill you, ganking and making you feel as if you were griefed. That is what a PVE player tells everyone, that those two things always happen. Wrong. They rarely happened. PVP is like a Mafia/Gang world. They need all the people they can get. So that red dot is more likely to come up and watch you, not interfere, see what your plan is and your reaction to them, and if they like you, try and recruit you; not grief you. If you panic and attack them or act unnaturally, you may get more attention, but in general, PVP players are more devoted, more social, and more intense in respect to the game in general. This should be applauded and not derided.

    I hope PVE stays just the way you like it. I don't care. So you can lay off the insults against pvp players and their way of life and play pve all day long. But the people that really care about the mechanics of the game will be here whenever you want to dip your toes in the cold cold water.

    GL and HF!
    These games that you describe were all designed with PvP in mind. PvP in DDO was an afterthought, not a design factor. There wasn't even any PvP at all when this game was released, it was added later. This is the huge, glaring difference between these games. It's such a large distinction that you can't even compare them.

    Balancing PvP always brings changes to the balance of PvE.
    With games that are designed with PvP in mind, these changes are tolerated by the playerbase because it is taken for granted that they will occur. People complain that so-and-so-class is OP, and whomever was "King of the PvP Hill" for a while always gets hit with the nerf bat, all in the name of balance. When this happens, a new PvP King emerges, and the cycle starts all over again.
    This is the life cycle of classes in a PvP oriented game, and that's fine because it's accepted.

    This is unacceptable in a PvE oriented game, as this type of activity would take classes through a revolving door of usefulness. While that may be acceptable in a PvP oriented game, it is not accepted in a PvE oriented game.

    So go ahead and shout scripture about the PvP systems of other games all you like, but those games are not DDO.
    You "hope PVE stays just the way <we> like it"....?
    THANKS! So do I! So stop trying to break the PvE for us!

    I have played both PvP games and PvE games, and I can tell you that DDO is the latter, not the former.

    If PvP is such a huge concern for you, perhaps you should consider playing a game that was actually designed with PvP in mind, rather than trying to break a game that didn't even concern itself with PvP until recently, just so that you can feel superior to someone else.

    When I want a hamburger I don't walk into Taco Bell and demand that they change their menu because they happen to have ground beef, I go to a burger joint.
    When I feel like punching someone I don't join a soccer team and demand that we play rugby, I join a rugby team instead.
    If PvP is such a huge concern for you, try playing a game that was designed for it rather than changing a game that wasn't.
    Last edited by Calebro; 07-28-2010 at 03:03 PM.

  3. #123
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    Didn't I just state all that so you didn't have to? The same pachinko machine collects all pve'ers comments into about 3 slots: 1. Any hint or discussion of pvp will ruin us. 2. Why don't you play another game? 3. We don't like pvp, so stop playing it and leave us alone (usually posted in the PVP let me repeat that for emphasis PVP forum).

    If you actually read the post and not knee-jerk you will have learned that I do play other pvp games...I asked for no changes to pve DND, and I agree it is a poorly thought out pvp game mechanic and tacked on perhaps. So?

    Do you own DND or something? Can the pvp players even log on or is that too much for you?

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpito View Post
    Wow, really. Yes, the DM plays the game. Here's a breakdown for you:

    George: Monk
    Cathy: Ranger
    Dave1: Magic User
    Andy: Paladin
    Mike: Cavalier
    Dave2: Cleric

    All these people are playing with and guided through quests by

    Lori: DM/GOD using the original computer... otherwise known as a brain.

    To be perfectly honest, there is PvP available to PnP players when Lori decides to throw a Helm of Opposite Alignment at the party and Andy puts it on before Dave1 manages to identify it. Now George, Cathy, Dave1, Dave2 and Mike have a chaotic evil former paladin bent on destroying them all to contend with. Notice that Lori is not in that equation? That's because she created the situation.

    Of special note, concerning the original topic, is that no rule changes were ever implemented just because we were now fighting one of our own.
    Thank goodness we have a real PNP player that understands DND in the forum. I salute you.

  5. #125
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunisinuS View Post
    Didn't I just state all that so you didn't have to? The same pachinko machine collects all pve'ers comments into about 3 slots: 1. Any hint or discussion of pvp will ruin us. 2. Why don't you play another game? 3. We don't like pvp, so stop playing it and leave us alone (usually posted in the PVP let me repeat that for emphasis PVP forum).

    If you actually read the post and not knee-jerk you will have learned that I do play other pvp games...I asked for no changes to pve DND, and I agree it is a poorly thought out pvp game mechanic and tacked on perhaps. So?

    Do you own DND or something? Can the pvp players even log on or is that too much for you?
    You're reading only what you want to read.
    1) I never said that PvP will ruin us.
    2) You're taking my comments about playing a different game out of context.
    3)I never told anyone to stop playing PvP.

    What I've been saying is that no changes should be made because of PvP'ers thinking something is imbalanced. Zero changes for this reason. None.

    Reread the OP and then reread my previous post and you'll see exactly what I mean.

  6. #126
    Community Member cpito's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunisinuS View Post
    Thank goodness we have a real PNP player that understands DND in the forum. I salute you.
    Muchas gracias and all but my example was to demonstrate how the DM is the E in PvE
    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye." - Miss Piggy
    Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back.~ Cpt. Mal Reynolds
    ~Peechie Keene~ THAC0

  7. #127
    Community Member 96th_Malice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xeraphim View Post

    Slayer does not proc enough in quests. Please increase the rate.
    I have found a fix for this bug !

    Increase your Confirm Crit hits ..... and oh ya

    ROLL MORE 20's !!!!

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpito View Post
    Muchas gracias and all but my example was to demonstrate how the DM is the E in PvE
    And you proved my point. Thanks. And I think the PVE'ers have hijacked this thread enough already. One easy quick solution to AA is to play phoenix and not lobster. Many spots where line of sight is broken and they cannot just stand there shooting down a football field clearing.

    Lobster really should not be the pvp spot. Like playing Capture the Flag indoors.

  9. #129
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    dont read the thread - make a fast reply

    quick guide of HOWTO kill AA:
    -use any caster
    -have shield block active
    -have quicken
    -have enlarge
    -drain mantle of worldshaper using whatever
    -use greater command/symbol of stun/whatever
    -kill AA to death

    tested running a lvl20 AA
    Last edited by 6PEBHO; 07-29-2010 at 04:08 PM.

  10. #130
    Community Member Vistella's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunisinuS View Post
    Thank goodness we have a real PNP player that understands DND in the forum. I salute you.
    thats called a winning team joiner, right?

  11. #131
    Community Member 96th_Malice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6PEBHO View Post
    dont read the thread - make a fast reply

    quick guide of HOWTO kill AA:
    -use any caster
    -have shield block active
    -have quicken
    -have enlarge
    -drain mantle of worldshaper using whatever
    -use greater command/symbol of stun/whatever
    -kill AA to death

    tested running a lvl20 AA
    Haha awesome ..... however

    QUICKER guide on AA killing casters

    1 - Find caster standing around looking "cool" in pvP arena
    2 - press Manyshot
    3 - Wait for Slayer / Greater Bane / triple neg / or Lightening Strike to kill caster
    4 - Watch caster flop over dead on the floor ( again )
    5 - Repeat as required !

    ( note -- AA saves do need to be somewhat decent -- and ALWAYS stay on the opposite side of the lobster of the opposing caster !! .. hehe )

    tested on MANY lvl 20 wizzies n sorcs .... over and over !

    Trick is you gotta know who your fighting and what to use !

  12. #132
    Community Member Holymosher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 96th_Malice View Post
    Haha awesome ..... however

    QUICKER guide on AA killing casters

    1 - Find caster standing around looking "cool" in pvP arena
    2 - press Manyshot
    3 - Wait for Slayer / Greater Bane / triple neg / or Lightening Strike to kill caster
    4 - Watch caster flop over dead on the floor ( again )
    5 - Repeat as required !

    ( note -- AA saves do need to be somewhat decent -- and ALWAYS stay on the opposite side of the lobster of the opposing caster !! .. hehe )

    tested on MANY lvl 20 wizzies n sorcs .... over and over !

    Trick is you gotta know who your fighting and what to use !

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA lookin cool what they always do thinking theyre so superior

  13. #133
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    Default Dieselphiend

    ok ok, lol. i knew this thread would pop up sooner or later, ha! but anyways im an AA on Thelanis, and i spend more time in the Lobster pvp pit than anyone else. Heck i nearly live there and pwn it. I'm a former fps player of 13 years, so i guess im addicted to killing real people. But anyways. I have 447 unbuffed standing hp's, 528 self buffed, 571 raid buffed. I can survive almost any manyshot volley any ranger on the server can throw at me simply by shield blocking and quick self heals. Anyone with a good shield and over 400 hp's (or ac in the 60's). can do this. As we all should know shield blocking negates special weapon effects. As far im concerned less than 400 hp's is an auto-gimp. Get your hp's up. Get a good shield. And stop whining. I f i were a caster i could kill me easy knowing what i know.

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