Hey all, coming back to DDO after 3 years inactivity. I'm currently going to be joining a group of my friends and my roll will be backup heals/backup tank/buffer. I've been rummaging through the forums and have noticed that this game has a 90 degree learning curve. I'm so lost in everything I have no idea how my character is/will turn out.
So I'm posting to get an idea of where I should be at what level... Right now here's what I'm looking at
Level: 10 (6 Cler/4 Fighter)
HP: 200
SP: 430
STR: 23
Dex: 16
Con: 21
Int: 8
Wis: 17
Cha: 6
Stats include equipment bonuses.
BAB: +8
AC: 31 (10 base 2 Dex 12 Armor 7 Shield)
Feats are rather numerous, for the sake of simplicity I'll post the ones I've actively chosen:
Extend Spell
Imp. Crit- Slashing
Luck of Heroes
Mental Toughness
Weapon Focus: Slashing
Dwarven Armor Mastery I
Dwarven Axe Attack I
Dwarven Axe Damage II
Dwarven Constitution II
Fighter Crit Accuracy II
Cleric Life Magic II
Fighter Strength I
Cleric Wisdom II
Fighter Toughness II
Cleric Divine Vitality II
Long-winded, but thats pretty much where my character stands ATM- but I'm not sure how he's going to stack up later on or what it is I need to do to make him fulfill his role in the group properly.
Any advice greatly accepted.