So judging all the multiclass builds out there, having played a couple, I have narrowed it down to the following for the best of the best. Let me know which you guys think is best of this lot (they are in NO particular order, please dont flame me for order).
1. Fighter/Fighter/Fighter
2. Paladin/Paladin/Paladin
3. Barbarian/Barbarian/Barbarian
4. Monk/Monk/Monk
5. Wizard/Wizard/Wizard
6. Sorcerer/Sorcerer/Sorcerer
7. Ranger/Ranger/Ranger
8. Cleric/Cleric/Cleric
9. Bard/Bard/Bard
10. Rogue/Rogue/Rogue
11. FvS/FvS/FvS
Couple of notes, on 4 its also good to mix it up to just Monk/Monk. I don't really see an advantage on 7 to pure Ranger.. for 1 I would push an extra lvl of fighter and drop 1 fighter.. and obviously on 10 you take Rogue at first level.
So, which is the best multiclass build of the lot ?