OK, I finally capped my 2nd character and am going back to get my other characters out of the box...
I have a Ranger 11/Cleric 3 Elven AA that I'm going to try to focus on and level up. My only problem is, I lost the papers I had written my plans for him on. He'll hit level 15 soon and I was thinking of taking Extend and then Empower Healing at level 18.
His feats so far are Weapon Finesse, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus: Ranged, Mental Toughness and Improved Critical: Ranged. Right now, his main weapon is a Silver Longbow with the Force Damage Ritual. For melee, he has a variety of Light Maces/Hammers (He is a Cleric afterall...)
I see him as more of a support character. I suppose I could take Toughness and Improved Critical: Bludgeoning to make him more of a front line combatant.
What advice can you bestow upon me?