I don't know about you guys but Thelanis in my opinion has deserted low - mid levels, WHATS GOING ON?!!!?
I don't know about you guys but Thelanis in my opinion has deserted low - mid levels, WHATS GOING ON?!!!?
Ressurection - Trillea's Str Monk <Leader, Ten Inch Unbuffed>
Pwesiela - Completionist Arcane Archer; Pia - Silver Flame Assassin; Aes - of the Blue Ajah; Insene - Deathpriest; Enaila - Aiel Bodyguard; Uduk - Dwarven Meatwall; Vitalien -Warder
Lots of vets on our server going Premium. They don't have the characters in those ranges because they only get X number of slots without spending more. Also I have noticed more and more invitation only groups. Maybe I just notice cause I'm getting invites now that I have been around for so long tho, so YMMV. Also those levels inhale vigorously so when I'm there I tend to hook up with people I know and zerg thru them.
Dungeon Alert and difficulty scaling killing LFMs since 9-1-2009.
Mostly vets on this server doing end game. Those at the midlevel are running with 2-3 other people and don't wanna deal with the new players.
I have noticed this too but really only this week. Maybe nicer weather means less people on during the week. Not sure but it has been difficult putting decent mid level pug's together. Takes forever! For example, I posted for Gwylan's Stand last night on elite. People usually jump on this quest but it took almost 5 min before my first response. I ended up taking the LFM down.
Agorth Brutalum: L20 TWF Dwarf Barbarian, Shinkura: L14 WF Sorceror (3rd life), Wisspering Willow: : L19 Rogue - assassin, Arisiana: L9 Pally (2nd life). Metalika: L20 Tempest Ranger Gurddy: Level 18 TWF Dward Barbarian It's all about fun, isn't it?
not enough coffee...
Real life getting in the way. (I hate yard work.)
needing character ideas that will be fun to play/try out after 4 years of playing.
Agorth Brutalum: L20 TWF Dwarf Barbarian, Shinkura: L14 WF Sorceror (3rd life), Wisspering Willow: : L19 Rogue - assassin, Arisiana: L9 Pally (2nd life). Metalika: L20 Tempest Ranger Gurddy: Level 18 TWF Dward Barbarian It's all about fun, isn't it?
For the most part, it is true. People will shortman a lot of quests because they can only take so much pugging.
That is the bitter truth.
Sadly it is true people are TR and all new people do is slow them down in there eyes and waist xp pots.
The way alot see it is why wait for a PUG to form when can grab 1 friend or solo it and be done faster than waiting for it to fill.
It is the sad reality of things atm but is the truth.
Proud Officer of The Madborn
Then they started dying, but I didn't want to give them up. I just got a couple outta' Korthos I will be looking for players for the chain stuff, and maybe the wilderness slayers. Hope to see you out there!
The Truth~ +5 Transmuting Utterance of Puncturing.
BarrelBane Crateslayers~Shamrocks.
of Spew(Argo, Thelanis, Cannith);Chunkss[Argo]
I found this week very slow fills on LFMs but one reason is that the winter games are on. Hopefully next week everything returns to normal.
That's what happens when you get a couple of not well planned updates to DDO.
Thanks for the long time forum user purge of Aug '10 (Sarcasm for those who don't get it)
I think it's a little of what everyone stated here...it is for me anyway.
RL has been getting in the way of my playtime and... when I am playing characters in that level range I usually just get a guildie/friend or 2 if that to run through them.
I enjoy pugging sometimes...other times not so much. My playtime has been very limited lately and the last few pugs that I decided to jump in have been frustrating. Not because the people are new or dont have uber gear..it's because I am sick of people just not listening or taking advice. I've ran these quests tons of times and I am starting to get the attitude why pug and take a hour to do something when I can solo it or shortman it and get it done in 5 mins? I try not to be anti pug but my patience is wearing thin...I login to enjoy myself in the little time that I have...i'm sure plenty of others are feeling the same way.
Between guild, friends lists, allied guilds, in-game "chat" channels, etc... a large percentage of the vet players don't have to pug or bring puggers into their quests and raids. If they don't fill with all the resources listed, they will more than likely shortman the raids and quests.
Our guild will occasionally post an LFM, but even then, we are doing as many other guilds are, carefully selecting who we accept. This is sometimes done in an elitist and not so nice way (not by most guilds and people), but for the most part people posting the LFM are leary of griefers, pikers, etc, that will adversely affect the time that all their friends will be having / allocating.
Unfortunately, I've seen a number of people quit the game because all they can get onto is the "not so ideal" pug runs and they get frustrated.
This is not great for growing the game, but as Alter stated... "this is the bitter truth".
Last edited by Ministry; 04-30-2010 at 05:49 PM.
Its simple mathematics...
Free to play + 10% XP loss for any death in party + Dungeon Scaling = SOL mid-ranged Puggers!
Officer of ARCHANGELS - Thelanis
Strummie . Gruffie . Jinksy . Perversion . Sluffie . Indulgent . Adjuration . Wary . Disparage . Subdue . Affinity . Bestial . Contrivance . Indria . Thermo . Outlandish
I just solo until about level 17. Much easier and less frustrating that way.
I've always been a big fan of grouping. Even if I could solo something, it never hurt to bring others along for the social side.
But as I've been relevelling characters over the past few months I find myself soloing or running with guildies only more an more. With dungeon scaling it is much easier and faster to run on your own than to group up. With the death penalty you tend to get better xp on your own as well. Even in those quests where you used to need a switch puller, or where a healer or haste bot might be handy, we have hirlings for a few pieces of gold. And of course with vet status we start at L4 on non TRs, so that makes it even more likely that levels 1-3 are filled with new players that will cost you xp by dying.
Basically Turbine has created multiple disinsentives to group, especially at low level.
For me it's also a mixture of what several people have said.
I don't think I've pugged a single F2P quest in a few months. If I see someone I recognize with an LFM up, I might join, but otherwise I'll solo where possible, or run with a guildie or two. Is it healthy for the server in the long run? Probably not, but there's virtually ZERO incentive to pug right now.
Heck, even running low-level p2p content can be irritating. I basically dragged an entire group of bad players through Delera's the other day because they couldn't listen to instructions as simple as "bring them to the firewall." Why deal with taking more time, taking a 10% XP penalty, and being generally frustrated when one can be more efficient and probably significantly happier just doing the quest by themselves or with someone they know and trust?
Former L E G I O N - Now Retired Old Piker
Glork || Glorkie || Amalla || Eryae || Shiomi || Jhaene || Sunmaid || Skydusk
LOtRO Free weekend. Grind myway through Laggy Moria!
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...94#post2798094 LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
I miss the old days without dungeon scaling and the no death xp bonus. You actually had an incentive to add pug members to your group then. Its not like it was a problem to solo before, and it was much more of an achivement. You could actually up the challenge by short manning a quest.