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  1. #21


    Having been a part of the Baldurs Gate 1 and 2, Oblivion, and Fallout 3 mod communities I have to say the type of talent sitting out there chomping at the bit to mod an MMO is incalculable.

    If Turbine were to open set up a "Trial" Program where they screened applicants and gave them limited access to code, they could IMO make the best MMO ever created, toppling WoW.

    Here's how:

    Open to the Community at large:

    The "3D Modeling" tools available and let the community create new 3D Models to be implemented. There would be no real harm from this as they cant change any "code" related to actual gameplay. However I would almost gauruntee in a few months Turbine would have thousands of new skins and models available for new monters. Turbine could set "Project" goals like "We need the following 3D Models: Bears, Owlbears, ThriKeen, etc" that would direct the community to create whats needed.

    Open to Verified Applicants:

    Make the "Quest Scripting" tools available, how many new quests would be produced in a short amount of time? You could, in theory set up a server similar to Lama where users could then try out and rate the new quests and only move the highest rated quests to the "live" servers. Once again, the I'll effects on the live servers would be next to none as the exploit quests could be weeded out (kill 1 kobold get 100,000xp) and only the "Cream" would be made live.

    Open to Verified and Screened Applicants:

    General code with the requirements of signing a NDA and requiring Drivers License or Passport identity verification and agreeing to certain terms and conditions. Violations of said terms and conditions would terminate the users access.

    Now, that may seem like a lot of "Extra" work on the part of the developers to implement, but when you calculate the amount of "free man hours" gained and the potential word of mouth advertising for being the "First Community Source" MMO I personally would sign up for the quest scripting and be churning those out on a regular basis!

  2. #22
    Community Member ngn-Aeo's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post
    ...adding that a search function for the Auction House will be added to the game this year.
    Not enough.

    The AH needs price ranges, sortable lists (not just sorting one page), etc etc.

    It needs a total overhaul.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Eladiun View Post
    This may be hard to believe but rabid SW fans are way more geeky than rabid D&D fans. Ever read the arguments over extended universe's frightening.
    The problem with extended universe lore is that at any point in time all it takes is one movie or in the case of the "Animated" series and it completely goes out the window.. invalidated forever more.

    D&D on the other hard.. you dont see writers coming behind each other with "Official" changes to the lore.. for instance if "Raistlin and Drizzt: The Animated Series" were to be produced where they were secretly gay lovers it would be official lore.. but like I said that doesn't happen in the D&D lore

    Star Wars and Star Trek on the other hand both have a policy of: Movie > TV Series > Game > Authorised Books > UnAuthorised Works > Fanfiction

    Recently the lame animated cartoon invalidated a large portion of what was considered established Mandalorian/Bounty Hunter lore with a bunch of IMO drivel. Thankfully I could really give a **** about SW lore as I'm "not" really a fan of it, though I am aware of it.

  4. #24
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    EUO, while not exactly on the same level as DDO, has a large amount of content developed by the community (dungeons, towns, etc). A map editor was made available, and a method of submission so if they wanted to, they could add to their favorite MMO.

    Again, it'd require using Lam or another server as a "test bed" for community content, some legal mumbo jumbo, 4 fried chickens, a coke, and some dry white toast to make it work. There'd have to be someone screening the submissions, ensuring the inevitable drivel doesn't get shoved in and tested. No Vorpal-Metalline-Everything-Burst-Bastiche-Sword-of-Slaying-Everything-That-Moves-Except-Space-Dolphins, etc.

    The same could be done for models, weapons, etc... anything that fits within the existing game mechanics; if a user can make the animations and models and art for it, maps and so forth, then let it be tested and fall to the judging of players.

    The only thing is that IMO the people who made the content, if it's used as a pay to play thing, should get their own stuff for free. At least in terms of submitted races, classes, and adventures. Otherwise, they probably won't be making much more if they have to pay to play something that they submitted, and you're back to square one, minus some of your most ardent (and formerly willing to pay money) players.

    I could see a lot of the D20SRD/core stuff being made fairly quickly.

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