Thanks for coming along everyone.
Before you say the bard heals counted. For those in the party will tell you, my mass heals top everyone off entirely. I also had mana to spare.
0 pots 0 un-used bauble
Thanks for coming along everyone.
Before you say the bard heals counted. For those in the party will tell you, my mass heals top everyone off entirely. I also had mana to spare.
0 pots 0 un-used bauble
cool, you started using healing spells now...finally!!!
just kidding.
Lucky you had a good group...good job.
Cannon fodder build The Stalwart Defender, Raid Tank
Worst Shroud PUG EVER!!!!!! Epic Fail (started 1/13/10, necro'd 3/9/10, 4/20/10, raised dead 3/ 9/11, necro'd 4/9/11, 5/28/11, fame petition necro 8/5/11, necro'd 9/30/11, KIA 10/3/11, True reincarnated famed (by cleric Cordovan) 10/4/11,
looks like fun. Gratz!
The one and only Aluecian - Congo Bowl I Champions, Team InB4Lock - Survival Builds(NEWEST BUILD IS AT POST #48): Pic of Me, Post# 332
grates alter .. did you get the bard kill to except full solo heal credit . I bet you did or els you wouldnt say it
Last edited by gizmos19; 05-01-2010 at 07:59 AM.
Color me impressed.
Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!