I have a very general question.
If I build a wiz/sorc multiclass, do i get the possibility to change my sorcerer spells in taverns as soon as i bring in 1 wizard level?
are sorc and wizard spells separated?
Thank you for your help.
I have a very general question.
If I build a wiz/sorc multiclass, do i get the possibility to change my sorcerer spells in taverns as soon as i bring in 1 wizard level?
are sorc and wizard spells separated?
Thank you for your help.
While I haven't multied those two particular classes, if it's like other casting classes, you will have two separate tabs for spells on your character sheet.
First tab will be your sorcerer spells and then the second tab will be your wizard spells. You would only be able to swap out those spells under your wizard spell list. So basically if you only are taking 1 level of wizard, you would only be able to swap out those spells a level 1 wizard would have access to.
Last edited by augie; 04-29-2010 at 01:24 PM.
Elite Raiders and Twilight Alliance guilds
Journal of an Experienced Newbie - Level 1 thru 10 - (Melee)
This is a bad idea, the only spells you can swap would be your wizards spells and yes they are separated. Its never a good idea to mix wiz and sor they have the same spell selection so if you splash 1 lvl of wiz and take magic missle as one of your wiz spells it will never get any more powerfull than a 1st lvl wizard so at lvl 20 "19sor/1wiz" that wizard spell is still only doing 1d4+1 points of damage. IMO go all the way in one or the other.
Proud Officer of Forgotten Legion
Thank you.