Well, I did a little reconsidering and realized I really want my AA build to be an elf, however I have a Lvl 20 drow ranger now that I am not willing to TR.

So I am just going to LR into a Tempest and wanted some opinions on how I will go about my stats.

Character creation I plan on going
17 STR
17 DEX
12 CON
10 INT
10 CHA

The three primary stats I am concerned with are STR, DEX and CON.

Ending they should be
17 + 5 level ups + 6 item +2 Tome +2 Ram's Might= 32 STR
17 + 5 enhancements + 6 item +2 Tome = 30 DEX
12 + 6 Item +2 tome = 20 CON

All the tomes have already been used so I will have them by the end of the LR.

I know many will say the CON may need to be higher, but I think 12 con is pretty decent for a Drow/Elf plus I already have MIN II helm fully crafted.

Will 32 and 30 be high enough to consistantly hit? Not so much worried about the 30 DEX for when I range, I am more worried about the 32 STR with PA on when I melee.