Hello, Knoc and I've just downloaded DDO recently. I'm originally from Argonession but after 5 levels I decided to come to Khyber. Although I'm new, I've been playing MMOs for the last few years..mainly endgame WoW. I'm not here to beg for items or anything like the other new guys (an act only acceptable by bards imo), just want to say hello and potentially find new grouping partners. I may be new but I've been a raid leader in other games so I know stupid when I see it. You won't catch me running around randomly aggroing mobs, or constantly dying. And I follow instructions of player more experienced. I spent most of my time reading these forums, so I'm not a THF using a TWF for example. But always willing to accept advice if anyone has any.
Anyway, hopefully I enjoy my time here. Again I'm Knoc (A Barb)in game so drop me a tell, an invite, or say hello in general.
Edit: No longer Knoc. Now Wreckful![]()