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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Help! Cannot login, all 20 attempts to connect fail.

    I've read and tried every thing I could find on this including this Link and nothing seems to work. I can download every thing, game is fully updated. I can play games on game spy, steam, and many other servers. I can not figure out why I can not connect to any of the servers for DDO. Any help??

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Apr 2010


    I actually came across this info from another thread;

    "Also make sure that I.E can connect to the internet, the game shares the global internet connection settings used by I.E and if it can't connect neither can the game"

    My I.E. doesn't work so I will need to figure out why it wont connect. I hope some of you techies can give me a hand with it.

    "Your ISP. Check with your ISP and ask them if they have any outages or know of any issues with connections that use "Encrypted UDP Packets" on ports 9000 to 9013 and 2900 to 2913. They might also have started "traffic management" of these connection types or setup a "fair use" bandwidth limitation, ask them about these. If they set these up to combat peer-to-peer/file-sharing use of their network (and many have lately) then the game, since it uses a similar appearing connection (from a networking standpoint) is also affected. (You might need to ask to speak with a supervisor at your ISP when you ask about those though)."

    I will also check with my ISP provider to make sure this is golden.. but again I can connect to all sorts of game servers, so I don't think this is the issue.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Apr 2010


    I got I.E. to work but I still cant log on.. I guess I will have to play everquest or something because I can't get this game to work..

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Apr 2010


    I put in a support ticket to see if I can get help. I really would like to try this game, but if I can't get it to play, then I guess I shouldn't waste my money on it.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Apr 2010


    Well after trying everything possible and that includes talking to my isp provider, I still can not log into a server. I asked for technical help from turbine and they sent me back info telling me to do everything I have already done. To add more salt to the wound, I had already told them in the support ticket that I had already done all of that.

    So.. Instead of wasting my money on a game that apperantly has no real support, I will either go play WoW or Everquest II.

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