Do I think this is necessarily balanced? No. And I'm not sure in what direction, either. I'm inclined to think it's subpar for anyone but a WF.
In an effort to correct that, I've replaced some of the Construct-only spells with the normal versions.
I'm also labeling some spells as 'Imbues.' A player may only be under the effect of one Imbue per Artificer casting on them. So no uber-buffing your group with over the top weapon effects. The Artificer's spell point pool is low enough that should not normally be an issue anyway, except most of their spells last 10min/level. Maybe this is too restrictive; if so, it's easily ignored.
The Armor and Weapon Augments will be selectable from a list, similar to Teleport. I'm leaving Banes entirely off, because they will cause huge lists as well as be potentially too much. Although, if it appears having Greater Banes for the whole party isn't too powerful, then they could be added. I'm not listing every possible effect, but some of them of the appropriate power levels.
Alignment: Any
HD: D6
Class Skills (Modified for DDO): Concentration, Disable Device, Open Lock, Repair, Search, Use Magic Device
Skill Points: 4 per level.
BAB: 3/4
Poor Fort Save
Poor Reflex Save
Good Will Save
Proficiency: Simple Weapons, Light and Medium Armor, Shields.
Spell Points: Same Progression as Bards.
Abilities (other than Infusions/Spells):
Level 1: 'Scribe Scroll' +2 UMD on Scroll usage
Level 2: 'Brew Potion' My vote on this is either a toggle that allows potion usage on others, or a passive ability that gives +1/2 Artificer level to the caster level of self-imbibed potions.
Level 3: 'Craft Wondrous Item' +2 UMD on gear equip checks for accessories.
Level 4: 'Homonculus' If they ever put in familiars.
Level 4/8/12/16/20: Bonus Feat: The options listed are poor, so I'd open it up to metamagics and the like.
Level 5: 'Craft Magic Arms and Armor' +2 UMD on gear equip checks for armor and weapons.
Level 6: Metamagic Spell Trigger- Expend more charges from a wand or clicky to apply Metamagic effects to them (must have the feat).
Level 7: 'Craft Wand' +2 UMD to Wand usage.
Level 11: Metamagic Spell Completion- Add Metamagic feats to Scrolls, but at significantly higher UMD DC.
I skipped on a couple 'crafting' abilities, as I covered what they do with earlier abilities. And yes, the +2 UMD is a class feature for Artificers that they gain with the crafting feats. The issue is that true D&D crafting is not in game, and any buff they may get to existing crafting is too much. Perhaps a free ingredients bag that expands with level.
Infusions (Neither Arcane nor Divine, therefore no ASF, follow all other spell rules)
Level 1:
Lesser Armor Enhancement- (Imbue) Self or Ally's Armor gains a +1 ability (Light Fort, Silent Moves, Shadow)
Energy Alteration- (Imbue) Self or Ally's Weapon effects now deal <element> damage
Inflict Light Damage- As Inflict Light Wounds, but only on Constructs
Magic Stone- 'Ray' attack, 3d6+3 damage
Repair Light Damage
Shield of Faith
Skill Enhancement- (Imbue) Self or Ally gains +1/2levels circumstance bonus to <skill>
Personal Weapon Augmentation- Self Weapon gains +1 ability (Flaming/Frost/Shock/Acid, Keen, Ghost Touch)
Level 2:
Align Weapon- (Imbue) Self or Ally's Weapon counts as <alignment> for DR
Armor Enhancement- (Imbue) Self or Ally's Armor gains +3 ability (<elemental) Resistance 10, Ghost Touch, Invulnerability, Moderate Fortification)
Bear's Endurance
Bull's Strength
Cat's Grace
Eagle's Splendor
Owl's Wisdom
Fox's Cunning
Inflict Moderate Damage- As Inflict Moderate Wounds, but Constructs only
Repair Moderate Damage
Toughen Construct- Self or Ally Construct gains +2 Natural AC (stacks with other NA bonuses)
Lesser Weapon Augmentation- (Imbue) Self or Ally's Weapon gains +1 ability (Flaming/Frost/Shock/Acid, Keen, Ghost Touch)
Level 3:
Greater Armor Enhancement- (Imbue) Self or Ally's Armor gains a +5 bonus (Heavy Fort, SR19, <elemental> Resists 30)
Energy Resistance
Inflict Serious Damage- As Inflict Serious Wounds, but Construct only
Power Surge- Wand/Clicky gains Temporary charges (possibly implemented as a buff that causes wands/clickies to expend SP instead of charges)
Repair Serious Damage
Level 4:
Protection from Energy
Lesser Globe of Invulnerability
Inflict Critical Damage- As Inflict Critical Wounds, but Construct only
Iron Construct- Construct gains DR15/Ada, 50% Fire and Acid resist
Repair Critical
Mass Shield of Faith
Weapon Augmentation- (Imbue) Self or Ally's Weapon gains a +3 Ability (Wounding/etc, <elemental> Burst, Holy/Unholy/Axiomatic/Anarchic)
Level 5:
Disrupting Weapon- (Imbue) Self or Ally's Weapon gains Disruption
Wall of Force- Impassible Wall that also blocks ghosts
Wall of Stone-
Level 6:
Blade Barrier
Disable Construct- As Harm, but Constructs only
Globe of Invulnerability
Wall of Iron- Wall that can be pushed over, causing 10d6 damage to creatures it lands on.
Greater Weapon Augmentation- (Imbue) Self or Ally's Weapon gains +5 ability (Vorpal)
Well, it's a start. They need a few more spells, or combat/buff versions of some of the creation spells. Or something. But it's decent enough.