Quote Originally Posted by Syntax42 View Post
I do agree that a 10 Rogue/10 Cleric could do some decent DPS and a little healing on the side. The problem is that a group is frequently looking for a healer and this character could never fill that role. The 17 cleric/2 Monk/1 Fighter build mentioned above could fill the role of a healer even though it is built for fighting as well. If I'm trying to fill the role of a Bard, those multiclassed levels are not taking anything significant away from my Bard role and they are adding a lot to what my character can do.

Whether we want to admit it or not, everyone is categorized into one of four roles: Healer, Tank, DPS, or Utility. Some builds can fill two or more roles well. Some builds sacrifice too much in one of their roles when multiclassing and can't contribute to a group. Some prejudice is ok and helps to avoid completely bad builds, but expecting pure class builds limits how well your party can perform as individuals contributing to a team.
Ahh but you are assuming that this 10Rogue/10Cleric is tryin to fill a Healers shoes, when very well he is most likely a "rogue" type as main but took cleric to help heal(not main heal) and for the buffs. Granted its not a great build but it will do just as good if not better then 75% of these rogues on the market.