So I've been having a blast with Tukaw's 16/2/2 sorc/pally/rogue build. I originally went 16/2/2 sorc/pally/monk for more feats but I realized that in doing so I lacked the UMD and Intimidate that I wanted for the role.
I am looking forward to this possible build 16/2/2 bard/pally/monk that has huge saves from CHA bonus. Starting stats (32 pt) would most likely be 16STR, 16CON, 14 CHA (dumping WIS and DEX and putting the rest into STR/CON with level ups in STR). Ending CHA should be attainable at 24 easily, giving a +7 boost to saves.
I just want some opinions on whether this version of the warchanter is viable. Compared to the 16/2/2 bard/fighter/rogue builds, you'll notice that you still get 2 class feats from monks, the only difference is trading the rogue skill points and disable traps with a pally's CHA bonus to saves, and perhaps picking up Greatsword weapon focus from the Pally enhancement. All in all, I'm leaning towards a buffer with strong saves + evasion, and I don't give a **** about traps.
This build should have decent UMD (no rogue boost but enough from Bard), huge saves, decent DPS, enough HP as the 16/2/2 bard/fighter/rogue builds.
I've some experience rolling such 16/2/2 pally + CHA-based toons and I'm loving it, just wondering if a bard version is possible.