Here's what I've found after taking a quick look through my toons for trade; if you see anything you need or want, please send me a PM here on the forums or in game to any of the toons in my signature.
Just for starters: I'll have to dig around more tomorrow and edit.
Beholder Optic Nerves x3
Ethereal Bracers
Mystic Belt
Finger Necklace
Royal Guard Mask x2
Stat Items:
Armored Bracers +8 RR Warforged (UMD:22) ML 15 (300k plat)
Circlet of Intimidation +15
Proof against Poison Belt of Greater False Life
+3 Shortsword of Smiting (ML 14) (20k plat) gotta get rid of it
Tomes: (150k per)
+2 Intelligence
Tome: Legend IV (4)
Also have any Shroud stuff you would ever possibly need, larges, blah, blah, and probably some more blah.
Looking for:
Blue Dragon Scales
Belt of Thoughtful Remembrance*
Docent of Defiance*
Major mana pots 8k per
Flawless Red Dragon Scales
Tome Pages
*Higher want.
Again, always feel free to make an offer if ya have something cool. Always up for a little price hagglin' too. ^^