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  1. #1
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    Default Help me fix my build idea :)

    Here's an idea I have, and I think it can work. it needs some tweaking, though!

    Basic premise: very surviveable, able to provide strong backup for a regular healer, and contribute dps with TWF.

    Halfling, base stats (32 points):

    Strength 13 (+5 level ups)
    Dexterity 16 (+1 tome for GTWF)
    Constitution 14 (tempting to drop to 12 for 1 more strength)
    Intelligence 10 (allows for UMD / balance)
    Wisdom 8 (more is nice, but not feasible I am afraid)
    Charisma 16 (+2 tome necessary I'm afraid)

    Build: monk 2 / paladin 18.

    Feats: (monk) Toughness, Power Attack, (levels) Dragonmark of Healing I - III, TWF, ITWF, GTWF, Extend Spell.

    Enhancements: LoH, Divine Might, racial sneak attack enhancements, Raise Dead, toughness enhancements, racial Dex, monk wis, paladin charisma. Is the HoTD worth it at all for the restoration line of cures? It also improves the ability to be healed, and the ghost touch / negative energy immunity is nice (but not critical).

    Due to the self-healing ability it's tempting to go for DoS instead, but that would really change the stat layout. I'm familiar with the human KotC self-healing 18/2 build, but I am thoroughly sick of the fact that people only make KotCs, and I figured this would be an interesting change. Can a halfling 18/2 with dragonmarks tank? Is weapon finesse an option at all without serious intimidate?

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    I would drop int to 8 and get str 14, just put your extra monk skills points on balance, as a light armor user with high dex you shouldnt have any problems.
    I would try to get improved critical feat, maybe drop extend, extend is good, but is the easier to drop from your feats.

    Not sure what exactly the dragonmarks of healing do, but are you sure that you get better healing from that than from full umd?
    About enhancements, your char is not getting a high ac, so dont waste points on dex and wis enhancements, and the raise dead enhancement is not that great either. The fact is, if you dont go KotC as a dps paladin, you will be subpar, if you want a char that can contribute some on dps, and can contribute some on healing a party, then paladin is not the right choice, i think, a battle cleric/fvs is better for that...
    Last edited by Gercho; 04-27-2010 at 08:31 AM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gercho View Post
    I would drop int to 8 and get str 14, just put your extra monk skills points on balance, as a light armor user with high dex you shouldnt have any problems.
    I would try to get improved critical feat, maybe drop extend, extend is good, but is the easier to drop from your feats.

    Not sure what exactly the dragonmarks of healing do, but are you sure that you get better healing from that than from full umd?
    About enhancements, your char is not getting a high ac, so dont waste points on dex and wis enhancements, and the raise dead enhancement is not that great either. The fact is, if you dont go KotC as a dps paladin, you will be subpar, if you want a char that can contribute some on dps, and can contribute some on healing a party, then paladin is not the right choice, i think, a battle cleric/fvs is better for that...
    Thank you for the reply, even if it was the one I was afraid of. I realize that by the endgame, heal scrolls are pretty much free (plat is easy to come by), and Raise Dead scrolls likewise. So, UMD is probably the better choice than the three dragonmark feats. Which is a little depressing, since it really seems 75% of the character options are junk.

    As far as the KotC topic goes, I guess it can't be helped that beyond level 12 or so, half or more of all the monsters seem to be evil outsiders. It makes KotC pretty much a gimme - and thus, dead boring.

  4. #4
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    When you put a build in a forum, people will tend to advice for optimization, that doesnt means that if you dont have an optimal build you cant contribute, and i think that flavor and personal preferences should take precedence over optimizations, but that flavors and preferences are personal, so i cant adivce about that, just can advice about optimization.

    Even then, i think its a common mistake to try to make a paladin for a role that doesnt works well in ddo. Paladins can be good dps, can be good tanks, can be good self healing soloers, but they are not good as support chars. Bards, clerics and fvs are much better at those roles, and they can contribute on dps aswell.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gercho View Post
    When you put a build in a forum, people will tend to advice for optimization, that doesnt means that if you dont have an optimal build you cant contribute, and i think that flavor and personal preferences should take precedence over optimizations, but that flavors and preferences are personal, so i cant adivce about that, just can advice about optimization.

    Even then, i think its a common mistake to try to make a paladin for a role that doesnt works well in ddo. Paladins can be good dps, can be good tanks, can be good self healing soloers, but they are not good as support chars. Bards, clerics and fvs are much better at those roles, and they can contribute on dps aswell.
    Thank you - and you are very right, of course. I guess my heart is still in the pen & paper phase. On the other hand, it gives me something to muse over while I slug away at the 2,500 faction I need for Favourite Soul. 600-odd to go and counting.

  6. #6
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    I just bought it, cause i had my paladin capped and didnt wanted to farm so much to be able to start a new char , farming up to 1750 was more than enough :P

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gercho View Post
    I just bought it, cause i had my paladin capped and didnt wanted to farm so much to be able to start a new char , farming up to 1750 was more than enough :P
    Guess it's a matter of perspective. I had about 1,800 favour by level 12, and my cleric (highest level character) is now 15. XP is always easier to come by - but for a while back in the dark ages, level 10, and then 12, was his level cap, so I did the less common quests to elite. Nice feeling to beat some of the harder content, too .

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