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  1. #1
    Community Member Arthur1977's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Question Sigtrent's Demon Hunter, Drow changes

    I have been searching the fourms for a fun build to play and really liked Sigtrent's "Demon Hunter" build he designed for CrimsonFalcon.

    I rolled him up as a Drow (I have not unlocked 32 pt builds) so I had to make some minor changes to his stats (-1 str, +2 int). The loss of str is not bad because I will just buy a +2 tome in the future and the extra int is nice for the extra skill point (Spot for ranger levels, UMD for Pally). Other modifications I plan to make are having his main weapons the Shortsword and taking Follower of Vulkoor instead of the Silver Flame.

    Are there any other tweeks that people think are necessary for the switch from Elf to Drow. Also what do people think would work well for the final 4 levels, is 6 Ranger/ 14 Pally to get Holy Sword better than 9 Ranger/ 11 Pally for Evasion?

    Thanks to everyone for their help and suggestions.
    If you ever get bored please check out my blog: CDN Dragoon
    Its not much, but its a start

  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I would lean ranger 6 / paladin 12 / monk 2; base stats 16 / 16 / 12 / 10 / 8 / 16 w/lvl-ups into STR. Your deity choice is more about your lvl 6 free ability than the +1 to-hit bonus; I would favor Sovereign Host over SF or Vulkoor.

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