I finally found a use for FoxLingo...
“If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”
Hordo and I are going steady.
Don't tell his leader!
Gornn 3:16 says: Gornn just hugged yo' @$$!
Ask Gornn! http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=156209
Ask Gornn! archives http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Categ..._Gornn_Archive
"It's only elitist if you're not actually better than everyone else."
♣ A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes. ♣
Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour
Last edited by Emili; 04-26-2010 at 01:35 PM.
♣ A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes. ♣
Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour
♣ A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes. ♣
Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour
Kist, always a pleasure to post on your threads...
Gornn, ummm...was this in the fine print when I became High Rabbi?
Emili...I ALWAYS have good absinthe. Never fewer than 2 different bottles opened so I can enjoy the differences, and always replacements ready in the cupboard when the aforementioned opened bottles get about 1/3 full.
Oh, and Gornn, believe you me...I'm keeping that on the WAY down-low as if the boss ever found out I'd be fed to the Peanut Butter Bandit in small unidentifiable chunks...
Huh? Slink... suit yourself. Can I get in line?!!!! Don't care where, first, last, in the middle, don't care how long I have to wait as long as I am in line. I'll even take the wait list. This is Em we are talkin about here.. HOT HOT HOT HOTNESS HOTTIE!!! I'd even log onto Khyber to get a place in that line. T
Here, here, all this talk of folks getting to go first and others getting in line what in Gornn's name is this......not one mention of The Draz?????????
Dammit I am going to have to put more drazinfolkspants to up my rep around here.
Oh and for yall worrying about the "waterfall" drying up.....drazinyourpants brand pants grease will solve most if not all of your problems.
Draz in all forms of the Prophets of the New Republic and Lava Divers / Khyber Original / R.I.P. E. Gary Gygax 03/04/08 / Supporter of the AEA / Owner of 4 birthday cupcakes Thank you Cupcake /Drazell Bergost leader of the Khyberian Ham Authority / Support your local Qwijymart!