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  1. #1
    Community Member markusthelion's Avatar
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    Default Shroud concerns...again

    Is anyone still laggy as hell in part 4? Last night we did a guild run and whenever harry first came in it was lag city! I saw the flame poof, but it was 6sec's before I actually saw harry, and another 2-3 before I could actually hit him. He could hit me though, which is irritates me to no end. Also another guy with at least 450hp suddenly has a red name & skull? Although we managed it was redonkulus, everyone seemed to see the same thing as well. Just wondering if its still bad for anyone else.

  2. #2
    Community Member revenftbm's Avatar
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    lags still pretty messed up here on argo.

    ah well...

  3. #3
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Something we do on Sarlona to keep the DPS lag down is to let 6 of the party members die... it's quite a bit smoother afterwards
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  4. #4
    Founder dj.kickz's Avatar
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    yeah we were having a problem in part 2 of tod with dps lag getting out kiter killed so i replaced two of the melee with rogues and next time everything worked great. much less dps.
    * dizzy - fizzle - rofluppagus * - loot - cannith

  5. #5
    Community Member markusthelion's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Community Member Crazyfruit's Avatar
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    Try having your melees all switch to a two handed weapon, stop haste boosting, and monks standing around unless there's no lag.

    It stops the lag 99% of the time on my runs

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Finally ran my first Shroud run last night, and I have to say that it went very smoothly. There was DPS galore, many twf-er's, many firewalls and bb's, etc., etc. There was the occasional hitch but overall I didn't encounter much lag at all. A tiny bit of rubber-banding as the group ran from portal to portal, but no real network lag hardly at all during the Harry fights. This was in prime time.

    I noticed in the VoD run I participated in right after that more pronounced lag, but hardly annoying. One member of the group commented that his system chugged down to like 3 fps during the Sul fight near its end, but my system was humming along without any noticeable problems. I was actually surprised since it was complete chaos, especially when the bats hit. Running through the Subterrane I do notice some stuttering, but I believe that's related to the textures and geometry of that area as opposed to any severe lag.

    In the end I believe (so far) that if your system is running DDO at a nice steady clip of 40-50 fps or more for example when in the marketplace, AND you have a decent ping time with a nice solid connection, things should be fairly smooth. I may change my mind on future Shroud runs, however, but I guess I lucked out last night.

    Oh yeah, I pulled a large scale, as well.

  8. #8
    Community Member markusthelion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kazon View Post
    Finally ran my first Shroud run last night, and I have to say that it went very smoothly. There was DPS galore, many twf-er's, many firewalls and bb's, etc., etc. There was the occasional hitch but overall I didn't encounter much lag at all. A tiny bit of rubber-banding as the group ran from portal to portal, but no real network lag hardly at all during the Harry fights. This was in prime time.

    I noticed in the VoD run I participated in right after that more pronounced lag, but hardly annoying. One member of the group commented that his system chugged down to like 3 fps during the Sul fight near its end, but my system was humming along without any noticeable problems. I was actually surprised since it was complete chaos, especially when the bats hit. Running through the Subterrane I do notice some stuttering, but I believe that's related to the textures and geometry of that area as opposed to any severe lag.

    In the end I believe (so far) that if your system is running DDO at a nice steady clip of 40-50 fps or more for example when in the marketplace, AND you have a decent ping time with a nice solid connection, things should be fairly smooth. I may change my mind on future Shroud runs, however, but I guess I lucked out last night.

    Oh yeah, I pulled a large scale, as well.
    Grats on the large bud

    Dang. used to be that smooth for me too. Its just that lately things seem to kinda "shut down" when its most important. *sigh* theres always Monday hehe.

  9. #9
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kazon View Post
    In the end I believe (so far) that if your system is running DDO at a nice steady clip of 40-50 fps or more for example when in the marketplace, AND you have a decent ping time with a nice solid connection, things should be fairly smooth. I may change my mind on future Shroud runs, however, but I guess I lucked out last night.

    Oh yeah, I pulled a large scale, as well.
    What kills it is when you have a slightly suboptimal net connection at one end (either your net is playing up, or Turbine's servers are) and you have nine TWF builds attacking with greensteel weapons.

    9 TWF builds = 1980 attacks per minute = 33 attacks per second

    33 attacks per second = 165 damage numbers coming up on the screen per second (assuming Min 2's which generate five damage numbers per hit)

    That's 165 calculations the server has to do and 165 data packets it needs to send each player. Every freaking second.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  10. #10
    Community Member fyrstryk's Avatar
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    Red face

    and... We pay to be on a Cable/DSL line, we pay to be a TWF'er, earnt the right to wield dual Min II's, just maybe they need to look at improving server's then?
    Because most of us have the right internet connections, and pay for the service.

    I would say 2 cents worth, but we dont use 2 cents in Australia anymore.

  11. #11
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    What kills it is when you have a slightly suboptimal net connection at one end (either your net is playing up, or Turbine's servers are) and you have nine TWF builds attacking with greensteel weapons.

    9 TWF builds = 1980 attacks per minute = 33 attacks per second

    33 attacks per second = 165 damage numbers coming up on the screen per second (assuming Min 2's which generate five damage numbers per hit)

    That's 165 calculations the server has to do and 165 data packets it needs to send each player. Every freaking second.
    In which case there should be a way to disable that for those who don't want to view it.
    I know the healers could probably care less seeing all the damage numbers floating around, and even as a melee I really only care about MY damage to be able to see if I'm hitting DR or anything like that.

    Maybe Turbine should implement a /hide all and a /hide all but my own damage floaty number option to reduce lag, if that's part of the issue.

  12. #12
    Community Member Eladiun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    What kills it is when you have a slightly suboptimal net connection at one end (either your net is playing up, or Turbine's servers are) and you have nine TWF builds attacking with greensteel weapons.

    9 TWF builds = 1980 attacks per minute = 33 attacks per second

    33 attacks per second = 165 damage numbers coming up on the screen per second (assuming Min 2's which generate five damage numbers per hit)

    That's 165 calculations the server has to do and 165 data packets it needs to send each player. Every freaking second.
    OMG... there is so much wrong with that from just the technical aspects that I'm kind of stunned. Unless I failed a sarcasm check... I can pull a Pentium Pro out of the close that can do 500+ instructions per a second. That's a 14 year old i980EE is **** near 150k instructions per a second. as for a 165 data packets that assumes every item is in a single packet which it's likely not but even so that's nothing. Try a 64 person map on an FPS....
    “If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”

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