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  1. #1
    The Hatchery samthedagger's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default The DMG is Recruiting (Khyber)

    What does DMG stand for? Dungeon Master's Guild? DaMaGe? Dung Maker Grubs? Does it really matter? Not really. What matters is the DMG is a guild for friendly players on the Khyber server who don't mind looking out for each other. We are mostly casual players (although that doesn't mean we play casual difficulty). We just enjoy playing the game and having fun. So what makes us different from other guilds? Don't all guilds enjoy playing the game and having fun? Sure, I guess so, but the DMG takes it a step further. Our members are hand-picked by a select group of officers with a like-minded philosophy. We don't offer an invite to random individuals just because they ask or just because we want to be a large guild. We are all about quality over quantity. Each and every one of our members is a friendly player willing to offer help, advice, and above all, an enjoyable playing experience.

    So what does it take to join the DMG? A few things. First of all, we want to know that you take the game seriously enough to know the rules and follow proper group etiquette. This means waiting for rogues to disable traps as opposed to running through them, treating clerics and favored souls with proper respect (they spend a lot of good money on wands and scrolls to keep you alive), being a team player, and listening to the group leader when he/she tries to direct things in a conscientious and tactical manner. Second of all, we want to know that you don't take the game SO seriously that you forget it is a game. We want to know you can handle the occasional hurdle with maturity. There is a difference between blaming someone else and offering constructive criticism, and we expect all of our members to know this difference. Third, we want you to be committed enough to the game to survive to 5th level. We don't recruit straight out of Korthos as a rule. Different officers have slightly varying opinions on this, but we want to make sure you have at least been playing the game a little while. All of us prefer to spend some time with a potential recruit running some challenging quests to see how you handle pressure. Being new to the game isn't a crime as long as you are willing to learn.

    If this sounds like the kind of guild for you, then log in to Khyber with your 5th level or higher character and send a tell to one of our officers:
    Urboun (leader)
    Drethe (lieutenant)
    Linshey (me; officer)

    Explain that you would like to join the DMG and ask if we have time to run some quests with you. Most of us run alts that we can switch to that may be more in line with your character's level. Bear in mind most of us run characters in the mid level range (6-12) although as we grow and gain more experience, we will start to have higher level characters in the mix as well. Free-To-Play, Premium, and Pay-To-Play players are all welcome, though bear in mind most of us are Free-To-Play or Premium at the moment.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery samthedagger's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I'm proud to report the DMG now has a website!

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Hello, I am tylller and wondered if I would accept the group of you, I'm a lvl 14 human Barbaro


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