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Thread: ddo & metal

  1. #61
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    my god .
    how could i have forgoten judas and dimmu !
    theres just so many bands that fit in the top 10 that it actualy needs to be a top 100 =)

    personaly ive been to 3 maiden 1 judas 2 megadeath 2 ac/dc and 2 nightwish concerts and ive brought my kidds to 3 of em 1 maiden 1 ac/dc and one nightwish they love eddie more then superman hehe perhaps its my fault but i aint takeing any guilt cause they know its fiction, (we had to be on the stands cause bringing 8year old boys to the front is just a bad idea)

    i do hope that more bands like maiden will take their space and play. even those they get older and think their done, since this kind of music is both inpisrational and empowering,
    it gives me the power to live and take chances.

    our youth are the future and they will make it theirs , stand in their way and be hammered or follow thier flow and enjoy the future, eather way we aint going back . its up to you to lets go =)

    ps i <3 you all

    pss , im sorry for the broken english im swedish but i know youl make sense of it soner or later hehe

    ds , i can not be more angry with you all cause you havent mentioned this band yet ... its the apex of american rock. now i do not care or know, where or how some bands got their funds . but the truth is this band will never make a live performance again since they have broken up . but no where in todays popular kulture will you find a band more infuelncial * then this band and this is a garage band that made it big (the american dream)and they might be the last living legends of our era

    and you all you metal head arguing that this and that is not metal ... e a t s h i t and die please(when is duke nukem 3 going to be realeased any ways ?) ..... beatles rocked the world .

    * im not an english teacher but beare with me =)

    i want to end this post on the note on : rhcp : under the bridge


    EDIT ! ;
    Last edited by Tokeri; 05-08-2010 at 02:23 PM.

  2. #62
    Community Member lord_of_rage's Avatar
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    Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Resindog View Post
    I heard Slayer and Testament are coming to my neck of the woods this summer. I can take or leave Slayer live (they are so **** lound you can't make out what song they are playing) but would love to see Testament.

    Will have to revisit Death some night on youtube. A drummer I played with was a huge fan and while I'm not overly familiar with their stuff I always liked what I heard.

    Honestly haven't listened to much extreme stuff lately. Been listening to Sabotage era Sabbath, W.A.S.P.'s Headless Children (actually really good! never heard this as a kid!) and LTJ Bukem (DnB) and classical.

    God I love youtube!
    Yeah Ive grown tierd of Slayer. Its the same stuff over and over at this point. As for Death lets see

    Check ou

    Overactive Imagination
    The flesh and the power it holds
    Pull the plug
    Spirit crusher
    10000 eyes
    Voice of the soul
    The philospher

    Thats a good list to start.

    Im a huge Testament fan. Ive seen them live 6 or 7 times.
    Toons are in a constant state of flux. Khyber server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    Maybe your forum name should be lord_of_halfling_rage then...

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