I'm a noob that just started last saturday. I'm having a blast at learning the game, stress on the word learning. Now while I have played 3.0 and 3.5 ruleset for several years there are many differences and lots of things to learn. That brings me to the title.
After having read through the server forum I can't help but see the noobs vs veterans mentality here, primarily from the veterans. Understandable I suppose what with DDO now F2P you are going to get tons of people.
Yet I feel that if I dont have the correct potions, wands, and self sufficiency that I shouldnt even bother grouping as I would just be wasting the time of those that know what they are doing. How does one learn without playing and grouping? Sure there are strat guides and wikis but imo that doesnt fully compare with actual playing.
Maybe I am missing something or misunderstanding the veterans stance.