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Thread: low level gear

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default low level gear

    Hi im fairly new to ddo i played when it first came out then quit couple months after release and havnt played instill recently. I am doing the Valiance build right now im 2 clr/ 1 rog/1mnk was wondering what the best place to get gear is i mostly solo.

  2. #2
    Founder PurdueDave's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    the sharn syndicate series gives better than average rewards for level 4, imo.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    First off: Bookmark this thread:

    Waterworks (Free content, Harbour) has the Black Widow Bracers (+4 Armour bonus to AC, effectively a permanent Mage Armour. Not too important as Mage Armour potions are cheap and abundant.), Sewer Smock (robe you can equip when hit with Acid Arrow/cloudkill/fighting oozes), and as of late I've been seeing Sharn Syndicate-quality items as end rewards as well - +2 stat items and Feather Falling.

    Delera's Tomb (Paid content, House J, have to be level 5 and have a bluff modifier of +3 for last quest in chain) has two end rewards you should look out for: The Voice of the Master (trinket, min level 5, +5% xp and +1 luck bonus to skills/saves - like having Prayer on constantly), and Devotion (handwraps, no minimum level, Holy, +30% to first level healing spells). If you're on a budget or have to get guest passes this is one to look out for, as the trinket always appears and Devotion usually pops up within 1-3 runs.

    There's a necklace from there that provides +3 to UMD that many assume onto their rogue-splashed builds, but the Bunny hat provides the exact same bonus while freeing up an equipped item slot, so long as you have a wand in your hand.

    Sharn Syndicate (Paid content, Marketplace) as mentioned has great rewards on a few quests - specifically the first one (Stand Your Ground), the Binder Rescue - always give me no-min level items that are equivalent to the level 5 items available at the brokers. In fact this has become my preferred method of obtaining Feather Falling items, +2 stat items, Proof Against Poison, and in your case +5 Search/Spot/Disable items.

    Tangleroot Gorge (Paid content, House P) has some nice end rewards (min level 5 Death Ward clickie - prevents stat damage from negative energy spells, and some +3 stat items)

    Shan-To-Kor (Paid content, Marketplace) has the Trapblast Goggles - no min level +4 resistance bonus to Reflex saves. Also a good source for Feather Falling items.

    Other stuff to look out for:
    Heroism clickies / potions
    Fox cunning clickies/ potions
    Invisibility clickies - click it on, pull some enemies over traps, good times
    Sneak attack gear - I picked up some goggles that give +2 to attack and +3 to damage from somewhere, can't recall where though. There's a set from Korthos that gives +2 damage. Note that the Cleric spell Soundburst stuns enemies allowing you to sneak attack them. A level in Rogue, the basic Sneak Attack damage enhancement, Halfling Cunning/Guile and a +2 damage item = 8-14 extra damage on every hit on a stunned enemy .
    Deception handwraps/kamas - this weapon quality sometimes makes enemies who are targeting you vulnerable to sneak attacks
    Superior Ardour potions/quarterstaves/clickies (using potions/quarterstaves allows you to stay in Monk stance, though this isn't so important if you have less than 3 Monk levels)
    Evocation Bracers (min level 7 usually)
    Aberrant Robe (min level 8, comes from Caverns of Korromar in House K, +50 SP and Spell Resistance 17)
    Last edited by JollySwagMan; 04-24-2010 at 04:24 AM. Reason: forgot static rewards thread

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