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  1. #1
    Uber Completionist Batallia's Avatar
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    Dec 2009

    Question The THF weapon grind

    OK, so I know this has been asked a million times but how does one go about finding that boss beater or mob control Khopesh for a online Newb? Doing the grind on Orien and just when it seems I'll have enough coin to finally get a decent weapon AH prices go up again... Words of wisdom? I've read the post about the Silver bow and it makes me wonder if there is a quest that can provide a decent chance at picking up something for my Tempest Ranger? I'm sitting at level 14 and just wondering should I concentrate on a para/vorp or metaline holy?

  2. #2
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Beg, borrow, steal. Your first toon will be poor and barely get by, and likely be a little gimpy. It's a rite of passage

    Boss-beaters don't have to be khopeshes. Look for battle-axes and longswords, they are cheap and will cut through the DR just fine.

    My first ranger was a rapier user, she never got a good set of rapiers until I crafted GS for her as I simply didn't have the money. her main weapons were a longsword and a hand-axe, it's all I could afford but it got the job done.

  3. #3
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Batallia View Post
    OK, so I know this has been asked a million times but how does one go about finding that boss beater or mob control Khopesh for a online Newb? Doing the grind on Orien and just when it seems I'll have enough coin to finally get a decent weapon AH prices go up again... Words of wisdom? I've read the post about the Silver bow and it makes me wonder if there is a quest that can provide a decent chance at picking up something for my Tempest Ranger? I'm sitting at level 14 and just wondering should I concentrate on a para/vorp or metaline holy?
    metaline of pg are available at level 6, so start at level 6. You might try starting with a different weapon (other then kopesh's) that is more affordable, or available until you can find the kopesh's. I found level 6 metalline of pg kopesh's for under 200k each, but that did take checking the market multiple times a day, sometimes logging in at lunch, at the end of work day before the gym, just to check. I actually found a Vorpal of Gnoll Bane for a bargain price, and didn't pay enough attention to get a paralyzer of righteousness for below market value.

    Depending on what area you're running depends on what weapons. If you're not running in the vale, then you can probably go with vorpal/paralizers until you hit the Shroud. You can also look for silver holy/pure good/geob for the vale. My best Shroud boss beater right now is actually a Silver Anarchic of pure good.

  4. #4
    Community Member TheMeanDM's Avatar
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    I know my ranger is only 5th level right now, but I've been having good success with a Heavy Pick +3 and Scimitar +3.

    I am guessing you want the good damage of a khopesh coupled with the great threat range.

  5. #5
    Community Member stormarcher's Avatar
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    I am pretty sure he is the exploiter ranger build. So his build is a twf khopesh using MONSTER! so I am assuming he needs khopesh's.

    I will pay attention to this because I am a little short on Khopesh for my twf as well
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero
    "That's cause you're a noob..."

  6. #6
    Community Member Crazyfruit's Avatar
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    DR-bypassing weapons are a lot more common than their prices make them seem. Look on the AH in things other people don't, like handaxes. I've seen a few on there on Orien priced under 100k gold the last couple days... might still be on the AH!

    Check the House D broker too if you aren't doing that Paralyzers are very common over there.
    Last edited by Crazyfruit; 04-23-2010 at 05:03 PM.

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