Well heres our stats...
Guild Name: Creeping Death( We like Metallica, what can I say!)
Guild Type: Semi Serious/ Casual, All of us are old Pen and Paper types, but Love DDO! We play serious, but have fun doing it.
Guild Website: None ATM, We could do it, BUt RL takes precedence, and myself and the founder are married with a child, so time building one is an issue. Would love to have someone join who can though!
Guild Contacts: Myself, Vonyell in game. My wife is Ariesta, but I'm better at talking to newbies and recruiting.
Recruiting Status: Yes, we are needing people. The 3 main members of our guild are VIP's, and are a Wizard, Rogue, and Rngr/Cleric/Rogue(Multied to provide backup healing and disabling skill). Would like to have a Pure Cleric, and Fighter, but all are welcome.
About Us: Well to reiterate, The 3 core members are VIP's and old Pen and paper players. We play Daily and mostly at night:@ 10pm EST- 3/4am EST. We always have fun, use Voice Chat, and rib each other. Please, No minors and/or people who get offended by language. We don't curse alot, but it does happen, and as parents, we would rather not subject others kids to it. Ideal Candidates would be near lvl 10 or less and VIP, but we arent exclusive. When we have points available, we do buy passes for the non VIPS. We would like enough Full time people to be able to raid/ and do elite/epic quests. We do look for input, but remember, we are adults. Tantrums will not be tolerated. Seriously, we just like playing and would like others who do too. We are casual and help each other by swapping items and loaning money at times. We will take all levels if you will work with us. If interested please contact Vonyell in game or me by PM. There will be a 1 or 2 quest "interview" to make sure we can work together. See you in game!
I'm the old man, being close to 35. Most members are close to 30, with a few in mid 20's. We like to have a good time, we joke a lot, but are VERY SERIOUS when it comes to questing. We do use voice Chat, but it is not a necessity. We type and talk, sometimes its confusing, but we always make sure everyone is on the same page.( Except when our rogue tries to sneak and scout ahead, which usually results in death. He is almost cured though!!LOL) We really need people who can joke and have fun, even in quests, but stay focused on the goal. We have low levels characters specifically to help others level up and learn the game. If you can play in our time zone, or if we get enough people to have different time zones, feel free to contact us. PM me or Vonyell in the game. Please for my sanity's sake, no immature people, I have kids, I dont need more.