I considering using the heart of wood+3 and make some changes to my basically a exploiter build human ranger (18rgr/1 rog/1 mk) to get more DPS out of him.....
I'm thinking of the following :
15 ranger/4 rogue/1 monk
- 2d6 sneak attack vs 1d6
- Rogue sneak attack training II : +6 to sneak attack vs +3
- Rogue haste boost II : 20% attack speed vs 15%
- increase skill points
- Lose tempest III: -1 ac and -1 extra attack
- Lose 1 FE (most likely construct)
- lose a couple spells (still have 4th level FOM)
Level 20 Lawful Good Human Male
(1 Monk / 4 Rogue / 15 Ranger)
Hit Points: 304
Spell Points: 292
BAB: 18/18/23/28/28
Fortitude: 16
Reflex: 21
will: 11
Level 20 Lawful Good Human Male
(1 Monk / 1 Rogue / 18 Ranger)
Hit Points: 310
Spell Points: 346
BAB: 18/18/23/28/28
Fortitude: 17
Reflex: 21
Will: 11
My build has the tharnes goggles/bracers and mostly uses a radiance II and triple earth weapon on regular mobs (that are not immune to sneak attack) and lightning II and mineral II for bosses.
I was even thinking of taking a 5th levelof rogue for the 3d6 sneak attack, but I would lose another FE. Also would require another heartwood....
Am I missing anything else?
Again, I'm only considering.....not sure if I want to spend the points on the heart of wood+3.....
Feed back will be appreciated.