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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default help on salvaging a lvl7 rogue mecanic build

    Hello, my rogue is presently a lvl 7 now, but I'm not enjoying to play with him very much as he is increasingly becoming a glass cannon: devastating backstab but once revealed: dead meat.
    Is it too late to salvage him? maybe multi class with something that could fix him a little: ranger? wizard?
    Advice would be much appreciated:
    his current base starts: 10/17/10/16/14/8.

    thanks you

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    I hate to say it but the best thing for you would be to reroll.

    As you said yourself. You have low HP and this comes only from your very low Constitution. This cant really be fixed by multiclassing.
    Also i would consider to lower your int and wisdom because both isnt needed to have very high trap skills.

    There are very good Rogue builds with or without multiclassing here in the Forums

  3. #3
    Community Member Gnorbert's Avatar
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    My first instinct would be to add 1 level of fighter and 6 levels of ranger. Fighter will give you some armor options to use in times when evasion is not a big priority and it will give you extra HP plus access to fighter Toughness I enhancement.

    You do have Toughness feat... correct?

    Alternative to the 1 fighter level would be Monk if you have the class. Monk will give you a boost to saves and will also give you a wisdom bonus to your AC. Monk would be the superior choice if you have the class.

    The ranger will make good use of that wisdom for spells and spell points. It will also let you get Tempest I for greater attack profile.

    What are the rest of your feats beside Weapon finesse? For tempest you may need to swap one or two feats. BEFORE you take level 2 of ranger make sure you swap OUT the TWF feat or you will lose a feat. Ranger level 2 gives the feat for free and once it appears as a free feat, Fred won't display it when you are trying to swap your chosen feats.

    Make sure you are also wearing the best False Life item you can get your hands on.

    I don't think you need to reroll but if these options don't sound appealing then now's the time to do it. Don't invest anything into the character if you think you will reroll anyway.
    Last edited by Gnorbert; 04-21-2010 at 01:05 PM.
    "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
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  4. #4
    Community Member GhoulsTouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dunklerlindwurm View Post
    This cant really be fixed by multiclassing.
    Also i would consider to lower your int and wisdom because both isnt needed to have very high trap skills.
    False and very bad advice.

    Add in at least two levels barbarian maybe try for 6, you get more hit points per level and you can upgrade your consitution. Double up on toughness feats, two or three feats in toughness is 2 or 3 more hp per level. Combine this with barbarian toughness enhancements you would be good.

    Barbarians get more skill points then fighters, go figure.

    Rogues, especially those geared for traps, face the dillema of being in harms way constantly

    Alot of Rogues like taking Ranger for the search and spot, not to mention twf and the easy use of wands. Some like taking figher for the extra feat, but I think in this case you want to go barb and keep up with UMD along with your trap skills.

    You WILL be in harms way in trying to disable alot of traps, higher hit points is almost a necessity. This is one reason why of all the items you can find, the rogue skill items seem more plentiful. It is almost a given the rogue build will be multiclassed more then any other class.
    Last edited by GhoulsTouch; 04-21-2010 at 01:35 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Gnorbert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GhoulsTouch View Post
    False and very bad advice.

    Add in at least two levels barbarian maybe try for 6, you get more hit points per level and you can upgrade your consitution. Double up on toughness feats, two or three feats in toughness is 2 or 3 more hp per level.

    Barbarians get more skill points then fighters, go figure.

    Alot of Rogues like taking Ranger for the search and spot, not to mention twf. Some like taking figher for the extra feat, but I think in this case you want to go barb.
    This post is just pure ironic art.
    "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
    - Douglas Adams -

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