Favor Gripes:

1.) Epic Difficulty should give four times the base Favor for a Quest. It should not be the same as an Elite completion.

2.) 400 Coin Lord Favor should give some reward. Really it should. Or you should change it to 600 (or higher) until you can create a reward for it. How about a choice of Huge Gem, Collectible, or Ingredient bag?

3.) 250 The Twelve Favor should give some reward. Same as above. Push it out to 400 but don't give people a simple pat on the back. That is not an incentive to repeat it on more than one Character. I know this would only be good for Characters with Spell Points, but how about a 50 SP bonus Feat for 250 The Twelve Favor? I think if anyone had the ability to teach a Caster a thing or two to improve their Magic Power, it would be The Twelve.

4.) When is the next level of House Kundarak Favor going to come out? Seriously, we know what the rewards are going to be (you can occasionally see it when you open up your Bank). Please give us some more house K Quests and Favor so we can unlock our 4th and 5th Bank Containers.

5.) How about Free Agent Favor? I know every Rogue in the game would like a shot at some +6 Thieves Tools. Give us another level of Favor to unlock better Thieves Tools, Repair Kits, etc..

There. I didn't just complain - I gave you some suggestions to make the game better.