I'm playing after having been doing some fairly heavy drinking, and I chose to run my warforge FB. My question to you is, who would YOU choose to try to play while drunk?
I'm playing after having been doing some fairly heavy drinking, and I chose to run my warforge FB. My question to you is, who would YOU choose to try to play while drunk?
I would create a dwarven fighter with no weapon, just a shield and the armor on his back.
That way, you can role play. A dwarven fighter who got too drunk and ended up leaving his weapon behind at a bar he can't remember.
Everytime you mess up your finisher, have another shot.
I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it.
Cannith :: Nizzen * Nizzin * Niszen * Tayissa
I don't play after drinking, since it's usually DDO that gets me started. Mostly my cleric or my rogue. In PUGs. :P
I don't get drunk. Just less sober.
I happily play any and all of my characters while being less sober than anyone else in the group.
Leader of Lost Legions
Healing raids while drunk is hilarious as long as you're still sober enough to do basic healing.
Yes, I do it. Yes, I messed up Abbot Asteroid puzzle while drunk because those 'roids were just too fast. We all had a good laugh and next round I didn't get to touch the asteroids![]()
Working on it.
just use the link in my sig... you get the picutre a drunk with to much time on his hands![]()
You don´t get more out of life then you put in to it.
Just ask Mekanised and bandabras about the SoS run almost a week ago. I was hammered, he was off his face and Mek thought it was hilarious.
Drunk DDO is a blast.
Teh Tavern Brawlers are always drunk, therefore your thread, sir, is moot.
We play all toons, in all manner of EPIC PHALENESS, in all dungeons, drunk, at all times.
It is common to find any one of us without wands, pots, or fortification. We WILL have our haggle helms, underwater action items, and jump pots on hand if you need them. Unless they are necessary, then they will be left for safekeeping in our bank slots.
We drink, therefore we pike.
I played all my characters drunk several times and will continue to do so.
I usually start playing totally sober and after a rather stressful pug or even during I have poured myself a few beers to chug and a couple more to keep me at a happy place. Just depends upon how bad thing are in the pug. I'm not talking laugh off the mistake and we all joke about it, it is the noob that insists we are playing the game wrong that requires some libations to be able to handle.
Most of the time it doesn't take a stressful pug though. I enjoy my drink.
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
heh - managed to pull of a Guild run of Kobolds Assault while doing "Worgs" ( A shot glass containing:Bacardi 151 rum,
Irish pucheen, Everclear grain alcohol) and chasin 'em with Harps....then promptly passed out while vendoring afterwards. (8 shots and 4 beers..Everclear is...of the devil)
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Arkats Padawan of Zen Noobility
Wielder of the Stiffler Salute
Eberron Lore - Lore-Keepers Lounge
I think I managed to lose my Carnifex last night, but I do recall trying to solo devil assault. On Hard. At level 5. I don't think it went well.