Every time I move to another page in the forums and that AVAYA ad is up, the page stops loading at the ad, and only the header and the ad are displayed. IE shows DONE at the bottom left of the window.
Frustrating, particularly when you go to post a reply with multiple quotes, and the page stops loading, so you click back and lose your whole post. Very frustrating when the next 5 times you click to go to another page the avaya ad comes up and you have to go back, then try again until you get a different ad.
Haven't seen this happen on any other ads but the AVAYA one, and it has been going on for a few weeks.
BTW, when you are trying to USE the forums, and an ad pops up to full screen to start a video, and you can't click the X to close the ad until it gets done loading, and it is blocking the message window so you can't keep typing - that's annoying too.