You are your own best asset in surviving a quest..
Seriously folks many times I read threads about what a class is supposed to do or not supposed to do during a party/raid. I have agreed with some opinions and disagreed and each time I kept thinking this.. Many people assume that an class is only capable of certain things and cannot do other tasks or at worst that the person behind the class symbol knows enough about their class to handle the task.
Its why I am of solid belief that even though this game is "group" oriented you are your best asset in survival in any quest even a raid. If you are pugging you do not know what you are going to get. And if you have run long enough in this game you should know by now what items you can wear, what potions you can buy and what your class can do to keep yourself buffed, protected and alive.
Does this mean I support lazy classes who can buff but do not? Or who can heal but do not?
Hell no
But people rely a little too much on others to make their game experience easy and that is where the disappointments will come in. Now new players wont be able to do some of this stuff right off the bat but this is the way I bring up all my alts.
1. At low levels I pick up any potions that drop especially resists, they stack up to 100 so you can have tons of free resists without worrying if the clr, mage or buffer can get you. If you have umd try to get yourself a wand, or run the following quests (Information is key and Tangleroot will net you the favor points to get resists from House P). Turning in collectibles for items like healing potions, blindness and curse removal will help you in the long run as well.
2. Check the reward lists for items such as resist and protection clickies, resist 20 items, false life items (that add to the hp and the spell if you want the clickie for extra hp). Tangleroot has visor of the flesh render guards that give you a death ward clickie and are bound to account. These things still come in handy for my high level melees when im soloing and need a quick death ward. Or do not have a death block item such as armor or silver flame amulets..
3. Finding weapons that help mitigate damage, paralyzers can help you when you are up against mobs that do crit damage like trolls, ogres and orcs. Many times in my first days here I did not scan my rewards list properly only grabbing stuff for my class such as potions or robes ignoring the weapons and I can only imagine how many nice weapons I passed up back then. Having items spells or weapons that immobilize mobs will help yourself and your party's chance of survival.
I could go on but this wall of text is big enough point blank you are your greatest asset in a quest, if you play to have others watch you well then don't be surprised if you run into trouble where x doesnt heal you right or y doesnt get your buffs. There are humans that play behind that avatar and we dont all play the same way. Its easier to be able to take care of yourself then it is to expect people to care for you.