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  1. #1
    Immortal Executioner & Hero
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    Default "I don't do buffs"

    Jumped into a party asking for a guide for a vale quest, So what the heck I have time to help out. Jump in to the party and take them out to the quest we jump in and as any normal group would do we toss out some basic buffs. and now the fun part.

    Me: ok we'll need DW and Fire Resists
    Clr: " I dont do buffs I need to save my mana for healing"
    Me: well your save a lot of mana not healing if you give the squishys some protections'
    Clr: they should have there own.
    Me: the fighter dont,, (I'm running my monk, No worries for me)
    Clr: I'll keep him healed
    Me: Ok what ever.
    Me: Casters buffs please
    Me: Hello at least give us haste
    Poof: 1:28 haste.

    Get to first fight
    tank goes down
    caster gets agro and runs for the hills pulling more friends
    Clr starts dropping BB everywhere, and doing what seems to be no to little damage.
    DAI then DAII then DAIII DAIV (<<----Who's idea was that anyway. BAD IDEA))
    Casters down.
    Rng's hiding
    Bang the CLR just got Fingered

    Me: Guess you should have had Deathward on.

    Me and the ranger clean up the mess, Clr, Wiz recall out and drop we finish the quest with little to no problem..

    Now I know you dont need to buff the party with everything in the book, but some basics would be nice and if you have asked for help take the advice of the person helping.
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  2. #2
    Community Member ArloOne's Avatar
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    Hello and Welcome!
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  3. #3
    Community Member saber7's Avatar
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    I completely agree. My main is a caster and the first thing I do when we get into a quest is to buff the party. Blur, resists, and (greater) heroism are especially useful. It's much easier on the healers and it gives you an excuse when the melee tells you how many kills he has to say yeah its great that my buffs kept you alive to do just that jk. Still buffing is a part of the game. It saves mana and lives.
    -Fatemaker 20th wizard -Fatetaker 17th barbarian
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  4. #4
    Community Member GhoulsTouch's Avatar
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    I guess the cleric thought he was one of those snobby Favoured Souls running around.....

    "UGH I am combat oriented, divine magic is ubber combat ya know? I can't heal you all, my mana gets sucked up by the mobs."

  5. #5
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Yeah, you would think by the time they get that far they would have figured out that it takes less healing if the damage is resisted. If nothing else look at how frustrating DR and the energy resistances are when fighting the mobs.

  6. #6
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    with all the SP saved on not casting can cast raise like 3 times!

  7. #7
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Now that is funny...u didn't happen to get a vid of that did you......I need some humor

  8. #8
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    The sad thing is, I met someone in Korthos once who said that clerics shouldn't waste their SP on buffs, as it's more efficient for them to heal. This person called me an idiot when I called him on that logic. The ironic thing was... I was trying out a support Cleric at the time.

    I wonder if this person is that guy's disciple? -_-

  9. #9
    Community Member Zzevel's Avatar
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    .............[ Sarcasm]

    When these guys are in the it should be each and every person's job to heckle them into rethinking their philosophy or simply rage quitting, in the long run it will benefit your group and all of DDO.. death to WOWsers [ /Sarcasm]

    j/k... not really, but might be..
    Wait, can you hear it? Is it? The worlds smallest vio..nah... nevermind... it can't be, its too small..

  10. #10
    Community Member MorningStarSE's Avatar
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    Clerics don't do buffes..

    You just made my day.
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  11. #11
    Community Member GhoulsTouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bacab View Post
    with all the SP saved on not casting can cast raise like 3 times!
    Yeah but with negative rep...and will end up going solo with a hireling and would have to reroll out of shame. A cleric that can't buff, can't heal, also can't play and is useless. If you save all your mana for self buffs/heals, blade barriers etc. only, It must be because you are a very bad cleric and because of it are used to soloing every quest using every drop of sp in greedy solitude.

    What if you asked for a rogue and he was like..."I just do sneak attacks, I don't do traps. I put all my skill points in UMD,Bluff,Diplomacy,Hiding, Move Silently etc..and with 8 intel I couldn't jam in disable device too especially when I need haggle so much for all the loot I get " (Doesn't get is more realistic)

    You would be like rogue get moving. Out of my face. Or you would incur the wrath of the party later for it.

    If I hear you say "I'd rather you die then waste points on DW on you" I am gone. I carry deathblock items myself, but I am not going to go out and try to help level a person such as yourself...sorry.

  12. #12
    Community Member katana_one's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zachski View Post
    The sad thing is, I met someone in Korthos once who said that clerics shouldn't waste their SP on buffs, as it's more efficient for them to heal. This person called me an idiot when I called him on that logic. The ironic thing was... I was trying out a support Cleric at the time.

    I wonder if this person is that guy's disciple? -_-
    Best not to argue. Just show them.

    A few weeks ago in Korthos I was running a new Ranger/Rogue at level 2. Because I did not yet have 2WF I had temporarily picked up a shield (I'd rather have the AC boost than the penalty to hit for using 2 weapons without the feat). Someone in group called me on it and it went something like this (he was on mic, I was typing):

    Otherguy: "A ranger with sword and shield?"
    Me: "Don't have 2wf yet, I'm actually Rgr1/Rog1"
    Otherguy: "Yeah but even most rogues use 2 weapons"
    Me: "I don't get 2wf till next level. Trust me, the build works"
    Otherguy: "Ok?" I could tell by his tone he was really saying "Whatever, dude"

    So I just let it go and ended up with a kill count higher than the other 5 party members combined (granted, kill count isn't everything) on top of getting all the traps and locks, and taking almost no damage. I was satisfied with my performance and didn't feel the need to point it out, but I'm sure I didn't need to. Nobody said a word about my build or play style after that.
    Last edited by katana_one; 04-20-2010 at 01:17 PM.
    You are responsible for your own DDO experience.

  13. #13
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by katana_one View Post
    Best not to argue. Just show them.
    Why? So I could hear him whine about how I'm casting Bless on the party? :-)

    Honestly, I just put him down on my "list of people not to party with". The Cleric never made it out of Korthos anyways. I am definitely a bard-type person.
    Last edited by Zachski; 04-20-2010 at 01:31 PM.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by katana_one View Post
    Best not to argue. Just show them.

    A few weeks ago in Korthos I was running a new Ranger/Rogue at level 2. Because I did not yet have 2WF I had temporarily picked up a shield (I'd rather have the AC boost than the penalty to hit for using 2 weapons without the feat). Someone in group called me on it and it went something like this (he was on mic, I was typing):

    Otherguy: "A ranger with sword and shield?"
    Me: "Don't have 2wf yet, I'm actually Rgr1/Rog1"
    Otherguy: "Yeah but even most rogues use 2 weapons"
    Me: "I don't get 2wf till next level. Trust me, the build works"
    Otherguy: "Ok?" I could tell by his tone he was really saying "Whatever, dude"

    So I just let it go and ended up with a kill count higher than the other 5 party members combined (granted, kill count isn't everything) on top of getting all the traps and locks, and taking almost no damage. I was satisfied with my performance and didn't feel the need to point it out, but I'm sure I didn't need to. Nobody said a word about my build or play style after that.
    It's easier with DPS type to demo. Unless you have another caster orr cleric in the party, it's almost impossible.

    I would love to be in that party, OP. I would have switched to my cleric in a heartbeat, buffed myself and the other members of my party, and left him high and dry. And watch him die.

    IF a healbot only HEALS, he is useless.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  15. #15
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Truth be told tho, and even tho I still give buffs no matter level anyways...until you get to 15th level and u have all ur mass individual buffs is painful for a cleric and hard to juggle with the skimpy amount of mana they have left after they do and the high expectation of some people to heal throughout a dungeon

  16. #16
    Community Member Geonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GhoulsTouch View Post
    Yeah but with negative rep...and will end up going solo with a hireling and would have to reroll out of shame. A cleric that can't buff, can't heal, also can't play and is useless. If you save all your mana for self buffs/heals, blade barriers etc. only, It must be because you are a very bad cleric and because of it are used to soloing every quest using every drop of sp in greedy solitude.

    What if you asked for a rogue and he was like..."I just do sneak attacks, I don't do traps. I put all my skill points in UMD,Bluff,Diplomacy,Hiding, Move Silently etc..and with 8 intel I couldn't jam in disable device too especially when I need haggle so much for all the loot I get " (Doesn't get is more realistic)

    You would be like rogue get moving. Out of my face. Or you would incur the wrath of the party later for it.

    If I hear you say "I'd rather you die then waste points on DW on you" I am gone. I carry deathblock items myself, but I am not going to go out and try to help level a person such as yourself...sorry.

    This comparison doesn't hold up, only by having Rogue levels can someone disable traps. There is absolutely no other way.

    As for healing, there are lots of ways to get yourself healed, pots, wands, DMs, damage prevention, etc...

    Pretty obvious you have had issues with a FvS not healing you, my advice is either lose the hate or run one yourself.
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  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post
    Truth be told tho, and even tho I still give buffs no matter level anyways...until you get to 15th level and u have all ur mass individual buffs is painful for a cleric and hard to juggle with the skimpy amount of mana they have left after they do and the high expectation of some people to heal throughout a dungeon
    For resists, I know Pallys and Rangers SHOULD have the spell by 8, and Wizards and Sorcerers should be carrying it too. DPS FvSs better be carrying it. I usually ask the Wizzys to cast it, bribing them with DVs. I only cast it on peeps who can't get the spell, like Fighters, Barbs, monks, and Rogues.

    The rest are situaltional. But generally if I can mass buff it, I do it. So much cheaper and so much mana saving on the back end.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  18. #18
    Community Member Stuttrboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post
    Truth be told tho, and even tho I still give buffs no matter level anyways...until you get to 15th level and u have all ur mass individual buffs is painful for a cleric and hard to juggle with the skimpy amount of mana they have left after they do and the high expectation of some people to heal throughout a dungeon
    They can go too far with it too though. I've seen clerics who cast aid recitation and shield of faith then top it off with Pro evil bless and prayer, all I can do is shake my head.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post
    Truth be told tho, and even tho I still give buffs no matter level anyways...until you get to 15th level and u have all ur mass individual buffs is painful for a cleric and hard to juggle with the skimpy amount of mana they have left after they do and the high expectation of some people to heal throughout a dungeon
    Yep, see this topic for my stance on buffs
    Basically, buffs, especially resists, are pretty awesome, but kinda boring and a waste of SP to give more than minimal amounts of them.
    If theres fire damage in significant amounts, then fire resist is worth it. Deathward once you get mass is worth it almost always. FOM in many situations is worth it. Acid damage in most areas (vale quests for sure) only hits you in ticks of 3-4 damage each, same with sonic, which means that pots do just as good of a job as the buff, other than duration. In coal you should have pots, since you will get dispelled often, and free (ok... 60 gold...) is a lot better than 30 SP every 2 mins. Sleeping dust you don't have a ton of many elemental damages being taken, so more than a pot is a waste. If people don't have pots, then sure, buff them with it, just cause it isn't that big of a deal to make a point, but people should be able to get their own.

  20. #20
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Yeah...I try to be pretty picky about who I give buffs to, I don't expect wizards or sorcs to give everyone resists, but I do expect them to get thier own at least. Hero's Feast, Magic Circle, Protection from Elements (mass), Deathward (mass), and Aid (Mass) always go on everyone, unless they don't understand the word gather.....and you would not believe how many english speaking people don't! O.O

    To be fair I do always throw a couple individual buffs to the whole party no matter what....Stalwart Pact and extended match the arcanes GH and Haste

    I tend to only babysit melee builds....if they are good :P
    Last edited by vVAnjilaVv; 04-20-2010 at 01:53 PM.

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