Jumped into a party asking for a guide for a vale quest, So what the heck I have time to help out. Jump in to the party and take them out to the quest we jump in and as any normal group would do we toss out some basic buffs. and now the fun part.
Me: ok we'll need DW and Fire Resists
Clr: " I dont do buffs I need to save my mana for healing"
Me: well your save a lot of mana not healing if you give the squishys some protections'
Clr: they should have there own.
Me: the fighter dont,, (I'm running my monk, No worries for me)
Clr: I'll keep him healed
Me: Ok what ever.
Me: Casters buffs please
Me: Hello at least give us haste
Poof: 1:28 haste.
Get to first fight
tank goes down
caster gets agro and runs for the hills pulling more friends
Clr starts dropping BB everywhere, and doing what seems to be no to little damage.
DAI then DAII then DAIII DAIV (<<----Who's idea was that anyway. BAD IDEA))
Casters down.
Rng's hiding
Bang the CLR just got Fingered
Me: Guess you should have had Deathward on.
Me and the ranger clean up the mess, Clr, Wiz recall out and drop we finish the quest with little to no problem..
Now I know you dont need to buff the party with everything in the book, but some basics would be nice and if you have asked for help take the advice of the person helping.