Want to know if the developers are planning any other areas beside just stormreach. How about Sharn or other areas of Ebberon?
Want to know if the developers are planning any other areas beside just stormreach. How about Sharn or other areas of Ebberon?
Those areas make less sense as settings for small-group hyper-violent adventuring. You can already encounter NPCs from Khorvaire (especially Sharn), Sarlona, and Argonessen.
Suppose they do a quest where you assault a fortress and the questgiver tells you that you need to "transport" to Thrane or Lhazzar to start. How does that make anything different?
I Totally Agree with expanding the world of ebberon, and hope some day it will happen.
The Vue!
It would be pretty cool having more than one starting point.
Where you can choose where you want to start. (similar to other games of course)
So they could use different parts of the world.
Start as a Rogue in Sharn
Start as a Ranger in the big desolate battlezone (can't remember the name right now)
Just several possibilities, it is after all Dungeons and Dragons
Personally I'd prefer we hit up Sarlona. A teleport into Adar where we meet up with Kalashtar who would provide services and have a new explorer zone in those mountains and what not with the real draw being a series of quests that have us foray into Riedran territory culminating in a massive raid at the top of one of their Inspired monolith tower cities.
Hel, I'd like it if they used Xen'drix to it's full potential.
There is an "Alternate" Forum, PM Strakeln for details.
Arkats Padawan of Zen Noobility
Wielder of the Stiffler Salute
Eberron Lore - Lore-Keepers Lounge
Sarlona would be awesome. Maybe make it a whole big deal adding in Kalashtar, Psions, and Psychic Warriors at the same time.
I'd say we have half or so of it covered. We really need to go to Dar Qat though. That and Everice would round it out nice enough for me.
Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.
#3 on the map: Obsidian City.
Let's go there next.
The devs could make it look very cool.
Just the name inspires the imagination in a visual sense.
Guilds -- Officer: Umber Hulks, Member: Knights of the Silver Dragon (KotSD)
Characters: Nalinor (Human Rogue lvl 20), Cargonar (Dwarven Fighter lvl 11), Atlanon (Dwarven Fighter 11/Barb. 2). Beltakorr (Human Barb. 18/Fighter 2), Fleabite (Halfling Wiz. lvl 9), Skirahzalon (Drow Bard lvl 8).